If you never read my blog, this is the day to start. It's sure to be enjoyable for all tuned in.
I would like to call today...the day from down under. And by that, I am not referring to Australia. Yes, that is right. H-to-the-E to the double hockey sticks. I feel like I am out of control. I just read that after I wrote it, and I though...hmm, am I a control freak? Well, yes, I am. I will admit it. And sometimes there is no controlling your kids little minds. i.e. Mr. Glossy Hair.
Let me preface this by saying that my favorite lip gloss is from Victoria's Secret. It's very thick and sticky, and is more of a lip shine that gives you a very glamorous look...
You see, today a friend of mine called, and I talked for a few minutes while I was feeding the baby. I figured that Zachary was in my bed watching "Homas" as usual, and having a small break from running around and driving me crazy. I should have known that the silence was not a good thing. I called his name...no response. I heard him in the bathroom where I figured I would find him washing his hands, as he loves to do this. The hallway smelled very vanilla-ish and very familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. When I walked it, he was sitting on the counter washing his hands surrounded by bubbles from the foam pumper. His hair was very shiny. It really just looked wet and I figured that he had been trying to wash his hair with the soap. Not the case. He had squeezed an almost entire, brand new VS lip gloss/shine into his hands and put it in his hair. Five hair washings later, and it is still as thick and sticky as ever. Needless to say, we are going to try dishsoap, and then lava soap if that doesn't work. Otherwise, head shave.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
The Hot Date

Yes, that's right folks, my first hot date in what seems like forever. We finally got to have a little get-away at Tim's yearly training. We went to the Kalahari resort in Ohio and it was fabulous.
The first day was good. The welcoming meeting was excellent. I tell you what, after watching the video shown by the commander, I will never text and drive again. For those of you who haven't seen this PSA, they are showing it now in the UK and it was recently on the news. It is very graphic, but worth watching. It is also extremely powerful. Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGE8LzRaySk
Everyone always tells me that I shouldn't be doing that, and I don't listen. After I saw this, all I could think about was my kids. I can't even explain the silence in the room while it was playing.
On with the date - next was the spouses meeting, and that evening we went to a costume party. Tim did end up being the Tin Man, and I, the wicked witch. It was quite a sight.
The next night was the formal, which was wonderful, and our flight won lots of awards. On Friday, our last day, we did go to the water park, which is the biggest indoor water park in the country. My body hurt so badly the next day I could hardly move. I think I am getting old.
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Halloween Weekend

I ran out of coffee creamer this morning. Luckily it wasn't until I had poured my third cup. I am exhausted. Elaina has been sick with a cold for going on two weeks. She hacks and gurgles all night long. We rub her down with Vicks and use the warm-steam humidifier every night, but she still only makes it a few hours before she starts up again. My poor thing. Last night was especially long because of the weekend. Both kids were completely off schedule and Zachary thought it was time to wake up and watch Thomas at 11. Then again at midnight. Then again at 4. He did sleep in until 8:30 (or until what would be the equivalent of 9:30 with the time change.)
It was a great birthday weekend. On Thursday I met up with my mom and had the kids pictures taken at Milham Park. We all agreed that the pictures turned out nicely, but that the Mill Park in Scotts is a much better location for Fall photos. If I can figure out how to post them on here, I will so you can see them if you aren't on Facebook. I am still learning about this blogging world. (If you are on Facebook and we aren't friends, just click on the picture of me to the right and it will take you to my page.)
On Saturday I went shopping and out to lunch with my mom and Debbie. It was a grand ol' time. I found a dress for the annual which is this week (so excited!). Then on Sunday we had Tim's promotion luncheon at TGI Friday's and headed back to spend some time with Papa Mark, Uncle J and Auntie Katie. We finally made it home last night around 7ish.
And update: Tim has yet to prepare his costume for the party. "Toto" said he doesn't have a costume, and Dorothy is bailing out. Looks like its going to be me (the wicked witch) and Carol who is dressing up as a munchkin. That will be a sight. The flight chief is supposed to be The Wizard of Oz, but we will see if he follows through on that. More to come.
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