Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Queen

It's a beautiful day. The sun is shining and that makes me happy. Laundry and other preparations for a long weekend of painting are being made. Tomorrow is the art hop in Kalamazoo (which should not be missed by ANYONE) and I will be featuring superheroes. The theme is X-men, and thanks to one of my high-school teachers, I even have a little soap-opera saga to go along with the characters. It's going to be fantastic. Art hop is 5-9 for all those who aren't aware. Zach Sutton will also be featuring a series that he worked tirelessly on! Come and see us in the Park Trades Center at 326 W Kalamazoo Ave. Lots of great stuff, also including an exhibit from the wonderful and talented Thom Peters. The third floor will be hoppin'. No pun intended.

The kids are well. I thought I should throw that in there, since they are the real reason that you keep coming back to this blog. They are, in fact, the reason I write it, so it's only fair, I suppose. :)

We finally picked up our adopted kitty earlier this week. We named her Molly after a train. I know that may shock you. I like to call her Molly the Trolley because that is what Zachary calls Molly the train, but he quickly informed me that her name is not Molly the Trolley, that it is just regular Molly. So there you have it.

Elaina has taken a real liking to her blankie. Zachary used to call his blankie his "bee-bit" (written about in previous blogs) and now Elaina is very attached to hers as well. It started with her screaming when we would get her out of her crib. She would whine and point, and had to have her blanket. It's to the point now that she will wake up, hand over the blanket AND the pillow before she gets out of the crib. Then you must carry all three items to the big comfy chair in the living room. Set down the pillow, plop her in and wrap the blanket around her. Then you must deliver a glass of milk and her "ee-yal" (cereal) so that she can have 45 minutes of un-interrupted cartoons before the waking of the beast. I like to call her Queenie because she thinks she runs the joint. Well, let's face it, she pretty much does, at least for those 45 minutes.

We are on day two of a fresh load of fruit and yogurt in the house and the children have already consumed half a bag of apples, an entire bag of clementines, two pears and about 12 yogurts. Insanity.