Monday, March 8, 2010

The Bird Seeds

Life is good. The sun is shining. I can't complain. Everyone in my house is pretty much healed. Elaina's pink eye keeps coming and going. We thought it was gone and it started again yesterday. Go figure.

Zachary told me the other day the Christmas is coming.

Zachary: Christmas is coming soon.
Me: It is?
Zachary: Yeah, Santa is coming.
Me: Why do you need Santa to come?
Zachary: Because he brings presents.
Me: Well, Christmas isn't until December, but Easter is coming. That is when the Easter Bunny comes.
Zachary: He does?
Me: Yes, he brings eggs and candy in a basket.
Zachary: I can't wait for the rooster bunny to come! We'll give him some seeds.

He's had seeds on the mind. I filled up the bird feeder the other day, per his request, and said, "Zachary, look what's in the bird feeder." "It's bird food," he said. "Yeah, who eats bird food?" I asked. His response? "Well, I used to when I was a bird."

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