Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Lingo

Well, I thought I would make a post to let everyone know what some of the terms I use mean. Let's start with dirt-dog.

My mom had a little dog, otherwise known to some as Charlie/Chuck/Charles, and he was impossible to house train. He would leave little presents all over the house. It was like finding a prize every time you came home. When we would go to my mom's house, Zachary would point and say "dirt..." and my mom would say, "No, that is from the dog," and in turn he would say "dirt dog," and point to the poo. This lasted until my mom found a new home for Charles. The next time we visited, Zachary was looking and pointing everywhere, but could not seem to find a dirt dog. He kept asking us, "Dirt dog? Dirt dog?" and my mom would tell him that no, there will be no more dirt dogs because Charlie had found a new home. Everything he would find he would ask if it was a dirt dog. Leaves, pieces of actual dirt, marks on the carpet and other miscellaneous pieces of lint and such that collect on the floor. He even started calling his own poop dirt dogs and now we have to ask him, since we are potty training, "Do you need to do a dirt dog on the potty?"

Mimi and Papa - Mimi and papa are my mom and dad. This is what Zachary lovingly refers to them as. Mimi is something that is used more in the south as a term that means 'grandma' or 'nana'. They also use Meemaw and Peepaw, or PawPaw, but we stuck with Papa because that is what we called my dad's dad.

Beebit - Beebit is what Zachary used to call his blanket. So that is what we would call it, and although he can now say blanket, he still says beebit. He has one special beebit that Mimi made for him at Christmas, and he can't travel more than about two inches without it. Shall I mention this is not a blankie...this is a BLANKET, same size as a throw you would use for your couch, made of fleece - double thick. Not great for traveling, which we do a lot of.

The Naynster - This is what we call Elaina because Zachary coined the name "Nayna" because he can't say Elaina. We now even call her Nayna and I think it might stick.

Mow-mer-bite - Oh yes, this is the ever loved motor-bike or motorcycle as most of us know it as. He loves them, but we don't let him play with the matchbox ones because he promptly rips the wheels and the handlebars off, tells us it is "boke" and throws it away. If we try to pick them out of the trash, he gets very angry and informs us that it is boke, it is nu-night and to put it back immediately.

These are just some of his terms that I have used in previous blogs and I thought you may enjoy hearing the stories behind them. Two blogs in a row, you might say? Well, thanks to Kelly I actually got a breather today because he is over playing with Lacey.

Other than that, not much to report other than the fact that he thinks he needs to eat three yogurts for breakfast and two in the afternoons. More on this later.

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