Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Technique

Yes, that is right, today was the day of the one hour timeout. I was strong. I almost caved, but then realized that if I had, it would have been time, crying, and emotion wasted. I decided to try out the Super Nanny technique of timeout. Give a warning, then to timeout, tell them why they are in timeout and how long they will be there. "Two minutes for not listening," which is a regular thing for us recently. After that, when they get up, you say nothing and put them back on the naughty spot. I am so tired of him pretending as if he doesn't hear me. Even when I say, "did you hear me? Did you hear me? Hello? McFLY?! Stop, stop that right now, quit it, stop it, one more time and you go to timeout," and then never following completely through. Yes, I put him in timeout, but he eventually inches his way out and I give in. Well, NOT THIS TIME. It's one strike and your out, baby.

His newest thing is also telling us "No." I have had enough of this. This was NEVER allowed in my parents house, and it shouldn't be allowed in mine. With the emotional and physical stress of the new baby and our lack of sleep, we have been letting our parenting slip. If we don't nip it in the bud now, we are going to be in big trouble later. This is one thing that is no longer getting a warning.

I put him in timeout and at first he thought it was a joke. Got up, of course, and came down the hall. I put him back. He gets up, I put him back. He whines, gets up, and I put him back. He screams and gets up. I put him back. This is when the uncontrollable 'I want my way' crying starts. This went on for about a half an hour (about ever 15 seconds or so, with the getting up) before he took to trying to negotiate. He would sit on the other side of the hallway for timeout, but not on his spot. I think not. I would put him back on the naughty spot. This continued for another 15 minutes until he was so tired from crying he was begging for a nap and his milk. After an hour of trying to get his own way, many a tear and lots of screaming - a battle of the wills - I broke him. He sat on the two minute timeout.

I prevailed. I am Mommy, hear me roar.


Anonymous said...

I GET UP NOW! I GET UP NOW! Does that take you back? I really thought it was DADDY HELP ME! LOL!


Melody said...

You go girl!
Stick to your guns! :)
It will pay off!!! :)