Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The New Van

Well, we have decided to trade in one vehicle for another. I have resigned myself to the fact that I will be driving a mini-van for the next 10 years, so I figured that I might as well buy one that I love. I am so excited to go and pick it up today.

I started looking last week. I decided I wanted a Toyota Sienna after my mother visited a friend in Cali who drove one. She said, "Sis, this is your next car." I found a couple that I liked, and on Saturday we all went as a family to test drive a few.

We told Zachary that we were getting a new car, and when we left the first dealership in the same car that we came in, he was disappointed to say the least. He was none too happy about saddling up the yellow tracker - the chick car, as Tim calls it - again, and heading out without a new car.

We have a 2003 Chevy Tracker that I was guilted into buying in the Spring of '08. I shouldn't have felt pressured the buy it, but I did. We never have LOVED it, but it was good enough to get us through last winter since it had 4-wheel drive. The problem is that although it sits higher off the ground than a car, it's smaller inside. It was great when it was just Zachary and I buzzing around doing errands, but after Elaina came into the picture, we knew we needed something bigger. That is when I bought my mom's van, and stuck Tim in the chick-mobile. He was less than pleased.

We are now in the process of car-shuffling. We are trading in the Tracker for a new van, and selling the other van to buy Tim a truck. That was my main selling point in talking Tim into buying another car. Everyone wins!

I should receive my vehicle buyers check today, and I will be off to sign the final paperwork for our 2008 Toyota Sienna. Pictures to come!

1 comment:

Jen V. said...

How exciting! We looked at Toyota Sienna's a little bit when we were car shopping. They are definitely of much better quality when it comes to mini vans. That's what I would pick too!!!! :)