Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Beginning of Summer

I thought terrible two's were bad, but two ain't got nothin' on three. Between the attitude, selective listening and tantrums, it's proving to be quite a ride.

It hasn't been long since my last blog and still I come bearing stories aplenty. There is never a dull moment around here.

The other day I took the kids to the pool. It was a great day and the kids were exhausted by the end of it. When it came time to pick up the toys, Zachary wouldn't participate which scored him a timeout.

Me: You are in timeout for not helping pick up toys. Three minutes.
Zachary: I need to go potty.
Me: Then you can wait until you finish your timeout. If you pee your pants, I'll spank your butt.
Zachary: :::whips out penis while in timeout and pees onto the sidewalk while sitting there:::
My grandma: Well, at least he listened. You said don't pee your pants.

Another good one happened on Sunday at the pool. My cousin Ethan started sneezing and my mom said, "Bless you!" Right after that Zachary started saying, "A-shoo! A-shoo! A-shoo!" My mom said, "Bless you, Zachary!" Zachary said, "Now you say, A-sock!" I wasn't present for this one, but I came out to Aunt Colleen rolling on the sidewalk laughing.

Just this morning he decided to try my patience. He ate his yogurt while sitting on the couch and left it sitting on the arm.

Me: Zachary, please take care of your yogurt.
Zachary: ::walks over, moves yogurt, comes back::
Me: Where did your yogurt go? Did you throw it away?
Zachary: No, I put it behind the cushion so you wouldn't see it.

It's going to be a long summer.

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