Monday, June 14, 2010

The Popsicles

Today I am purging (again). I love it. I get such a feeling of cleanliness. Tim is going to be out of town for the week and I need to feel accomplished, therefore, we start with the laundry room. I warned him two days ago.

Me: If you don't go through your t-shirts, when you return, half of them will be gone.
Him: Well, I will just go through the pile you leave.
Me: No, they will be gone. Not here. At Goodwill.
Him: Okay, I'll do it.
Me: No you won't.
Him: Yes, I will.

So, he didn't do it. Surprise! Needless to say, the shirts have been weeded and are in the back of the van ready to go to Goodwill. I don't understand why we have to save every t-shirt that we acquired during our school years. I am not kidding you when I say that he has his kindergarten t-shirt. Yes, that's right folks...he's a hoarder.

I spent the past hour cleaning out the laundry room while Zachary spent the last hour eating popsicles. He thought he was sneaking them, but there just comes a time when letting him eat a box full of frozen sugar is worth it to have some quiet time. Totally worth it. :::smiles:::

Elaina is down for a nap. She has been a feisty one lately. We went out for ice cream last night and you would have thought we gave each child a 20 oz of Mountain Dew for the car ride home. It was a roller coaster of emotions. The kids were buzzin'.

She said her first actual words this morning. "Bye bye" (while waving). I can't believe she is saying "bye-bye" before she is saying Mama. Not that she can't say mama, she just won't.

The other night at dinner...

Elaina: (very quietly) mama, mama, mama
Me: What? Yay, Laina! MAMA!
Elaina: BA-BA! Pa-Pa! DA-DA-DA-DA!
Me: Mama!
Elaina: DADA!


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