Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Reindeer

Oh, Christmas is almost here. I can't deny the fact that I love this time of year; I just wish that the snow would be gone the day after. Well, maybe until the first of the year, but that is pushing it.

I am really looking forward to seeing the faces of my children on Christmas morning. Zachary has been being particularly helpful in hopes that Santa will bring him some goodies. Tim threatens to call Santa, but I'm like...psh...yeah, right. You don't have Santa's number. I'm not saying that he doesn't have a phone, I'm just sayin' that he certainly wouldn't be giving out his number to the general public. The damn thing would be ringing off the hook and he'd never get anything done. DUH.

Now, I know that in a previous blog I told you about my mother hitting a deer with her car. Zachary hasn't mentioned anything about it for a while now, but he certainly has a mind like a steel trap.

Last night...

Me: (singing) Grandma got run over by a reindeer...
Zachary: (looks at me)
Me: Did Grandma get run over by a reindeer?
Zachary: No, but Mimi's car did.

I burst out laughing when he said this. I can't believe he remembers that! It was weeks ago at this point! This just goes to show you, be careful what you say in front of your three-year-old.

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