Thursday, January 20, 2011

The River-Dancer

Happy new year to you all! It's been a great one thus far. I am enjoying every aspect of my life.

The kids are great. Elaina is quickly coming into her own and learning new words on a daily basis. I am glad that "no" hasn't entered the vocabulary as of yet. Mostly everything is "yeah" which I can totally handle. Currently topping the charts, we have "stinky", "uh-oh", "up" and "right there". As for "Mommy" and "Daddy", she is apparently saving them for a later date. Ugh.

My very wise three-year-old asked me how babies get in bellies the other day. I told him that God puts them there, and luckily that answer was satisfactory.

I did have a funny personal story happen to me that I thought you all may enjoy. After a day of working, I met up with some friends for some dinner. I have recently been on a diet plan that is helping me to lose weight, and in turn, my pants are becoming rather large. I got up from the table and realized that I had forgotten to put my belt on, which resulted in me walking around in pants that could fit two of me. Before we could go any further, I demanded that we go to Meijer where I could pick up a belt. I went in, got my belt, and immediately put it on. Relief! I wouldn't be hiking up my drawers all night. I went back outside where two people from our party were waiting in the car. The car pulled up to the front, where I figured they would be picking us up. I was so excited about my new belt that I did a little jig in front of the car. Dancing, kicking, leaping and looking (I'm sure) absolutely fabulous, like a regular River-Dancer. It was just then that I realized that it was NOT, in fact, my ride. Either way, I think I put on a great show and certainly got a good laugh out of it; I'm sure they did too.

On another note, Zachary is loving school. He every much enjoys going and getting away from me for a few hours. It's really the best thing that has happened to our relationship. It's so nice when your kids are excited to see you when you pick them up. Elaina is enjoying having some peaceful nap time while he is gone as well. It allows me to get some work done and for her to have silence. Whoever said silence is golden was an absolute genius.

Well, that's all for today. I know there was a funny Zachary story to be told, and unfortunately I can't think of it. When it comes to me, I will certainly make sure to share. Love to all. :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Haha that's hilarious, and even though I don't know you THAT well, I can totally see you doing that! :) I really need to get Charlie into a preschool too...Your post just confirmed that wish!