Friday, September 28, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Well, as most of you know, the count-down is on. 23 days from today, Zachary, Katie (Jonathan's girlfriend) and I will be flying back to Michigan. Although I am very excited about this, I am not so excited about the week that precedes this event.

It all starts on a Thursday. Tim graduates, then a class lunch. Then Friday we will be taking Jonathan and Katie down-town, then a going-away lunch with Tim's shop, and that evening we have to get ready for the movers to come. Saturday morning, they will come and pack up all of our stuff. While they are doing this, we are going to try and clean the house as best we can. We were going to hire a maid service but decided it wouldn't be worth the money. On Saturday night we will be staying in a hotel and then Sunday we all fly out. However, on Monday, the movers have to come again to load all of our stuff and then we have to work out getting our carpets cleaned. What a head-ache. Not to mention, I have to prepare for the movers to get here. You know, get everything that goes together in one place. Otherwise, they just pack it up as is and you have to sort it all out when you are unpacking.

At this point I pick something up and think "will I ever use this -or- do I want to have to find a place for this in our new house?" If the answer is no, then I pitch it. However, my husband has become a garbage picker. "Liz, why are you throwing away this perfectly good glove I don't have a match for? Why are you getting rid of this plastic piece-of-junk bagel cutter I have never used? Liz! These are perfectly good shoelaces that have practially rotted out of my shoes once already." The man has gone nuts. He can't seem to part with his "junk". I say THROW IT OUT! I'll buy you some new shoelaces.

That's all for now. I'm glad it's the weekend although Tim and I don't get to see each other much since he is so busy with his study group. I will be so glad when this is over.

I love you all and hope you have a great weekend.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


I know from the name of the blog that you wish you were here. Well, at any rate, I am sure you would have loved to have been a fly on the wall today. Motherhood - a wonderful thing.

So...I had just gotten out of the shower and gotten the baby out of his crib from his nap. I brought him downstairs and put him in his walker where he intently watched Beauty and the Beast and played with his teething toys while I was blow-drying my hair.

Now, we all know that heat will intensify a stench of any sort. However, this wasn't a stench of any sort, it was a stench of ONE sort that parents rarely look forward to. I think the only time I would look forward to it is if he hadn't gone in a week and I would otherwise have to take him to Wilford Hall (the military hospital)...but that is a story for another time. So...

As the heat from the dryer blew into my face I thought, "Wow! That kid has laid an exceptionally stinky one today!" Well, it was not only exceptionally stinky, it was exceptionally not in his diaper where all good poops SHOULD BE. It was all over my carpet.

The child had managed to shoot his poop out the side of his diaper while sitting in his walker without getting any on his clothes or the seat of the walker. I don't know how this is humanly possible, but apparently it is. He was now standing in poop and skating in it. It was all in the carpet and coating his feet and he thought he was the funniest thing he'd ever seen (or felt, for that matter.)

And so, tomorrow I shall wake up for another Zachary adventure. Is it sad that I just can't wait to see what he comes up with next? Although the cleaning up was a nasty mess, it was worth the story I will always have to share. Isn't motherhood fabulous! At least I can keep a good sense of humor about it.

The poop-monster's Mom

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Good morning, world.

Beautiful day, great to be alive.

We are closing on our house today. It is the first home that we have actually purchased. For the past four years we have been renting. I am so happy to report that we will now own a home in Zeeland, Michigan which we will be moving into at the end of October. We are so excited to start our new journey. No more pouring money into a house that someone else owns. However, it has made us seriously think about owning rental properties.

Zachary is doing well. I send out pictures usually a couple of times each week. If you aren't already on the list to see the little man and would like to be, just let me know ( and I will be more than happy to send some photos your way. We just love our little man. He is really trying to crawl. He can push up with his hands and move his feet, but he can't seem to coordinate the two quite yet. Very soon though, he shall be mobile! AH! He is definitely a Daddy's boy. He misses his Daddy something awful during the day. When Tim gets home he just sits there and stares at him and smiles the biggest smile you've ever seen. Then Tim will bounce him on his knee and Zach thinks that's the funniest thing because he loves to talk while Tim is bouncing him. He just loves his Daddy. If Tim comes home and doesn't pick him up immediately, he has a fit. As for me, however, he doesn't appreciate my humor much. He looks at me like, "Mom, you are so un-cool." He cracks me up.

Tim is almost done with school, THANK GOODNESS. This is probably the most stressful six weeks we have seen to date. It's like they took a school that should last 6 months and crammed it into less than two months. He is doing well though. We will be so glad when it is over.

That's all for now, I just thought I would start blogging to update everyone on what is going on in the McClelland world.

We can't wait to be home! Love to all.