Thursday, September 27, 2007


I know from the name of the blog that you wish you were here. Well, at any rate, I am sure you would have loved to have been a fly on the wall today. Motherhood - a wonderful thing.

So...I had just gotten out of the shower and gotten the baby out of his crib from his nap. I brought him downstairs and put him in his walker where he intently watched Beauty and the Beast and played with his teething toys while I was blow-drying my hair.

Now, we all know that heat will intensify a stench of any sort. However, this wasn't a stench of any sort, it was a stench of ONE sort that parents rarely look forward to. I think the only time I would look forward to it is if he hadn't gone in a week and I would otherwise have to take him to Wilford Hall (the military hospital)...but that is a story for another time. So...

As the heat from the dryer blew into my face I thought, "Wow! That kid has laid an exceptionally stinky one today!" Well, it was not only exceptionally stinky, it was exceptionally not in his diaper where all good poops SHOULD BE. It was all over my carpet.

The child had managed to shoot his poop out the side of his diaper while sitting in his walker without getting any on his clothes or the seat of the walker. I don't know how this is humanly possible, but apparently it is. He was now standing in poop and skating in it. It was all in the carpet and coating his feet and he thought he was the funniest thing he'd ever seen (or felt, for that matter.)

And so, tomorrow I shall wake up for another Zachary adventure. Is it sad that I just can't wait to see what he comes up with next? Although the cleaning up was a nasty mess, it was worth the story I will always have to share. Isn't motherhood fabulous! At least I can keep a good sense of humor about it.

The poop-monster's Mom

1 comment:

Misti said...

Heeheehee!!! I love your stories.

Amanda's dog, Daisy, got so stressed at the vet the other day that she had a little turdlet on the seat of Amanda's car. And Amanda was freaking out and saying, "I can do poop outside, but I canNOT do poop in a car or poop in a house!!" So she would have died at your Poop House! :-D