Friday, September 11, 2009

The Independant One

Yours truly, Zachary. As if you couldn't have guessed. We've been battling with this recently, although I guess it's not necessarily a bad thing. One this is for sure - he will not let anyone walk all over him - and for that, I am thankful. However, it does often times end up in a tantrum. For instance, we have already battled it out this morning over eating the bologna (huge surprise there as I am sure you can see a trend), pouring the milk, stir-stirring the coffee (as he says) and flushing the potty.

It started with the fact that he was hungry and since Elaina was in a rage to get her bottle, I decided (stupidly) to feed her first thinking that he would just play with his toys. Not so. It's like they know that when you are busy, you are unable to act on your words. "Zachary, no bologna. Zachary, only one bologna. Zachary, this is the last bologna. No Zachary, you've already had three bolognas, no more! Put it back!" To which he replied "No, Mommy..." More on that later.

After three bolognas, a yogurt that he found God knows where since I thought he had eaten them all last week in his attempt to down three a day, and some milk that he barely let me help pour (or put the lid on, for that matter) he was settled. He must still be hungry though because he just brought me a huge package of sting cheese and told me "all those" and "Mommy help you with that cheese, Mommy help you with that cheese." He is still trying to figure out the you vs me situation.

The stirring the coffee is quite a to-do every morning. It's like that kid can hear a spoon in a coffee mug three miles away. It's such a scene each day that sometimes I try to do it quickly without him hearing but it never seems to work. "STIR, STIR! STIR, STIR!" he screams and stops what he is doing and runs to the kitchen. He wants to scoop the sugar, pour the cream (which we all know he is so good at) and then stir. If you even so much as put the spoon in the cup before letting him stir, there is a fit. If you have already put in the sugar, you know there is bound to be a screaming, kicking, throwing himself on the floor show right before your very eyes. My response? Walk away.

We are trying to use the flushing the potty against him to get him to poop. He does pretty well with the peeing as long as he is naked. If he has anything on, he will pee it, and he doesn't care. His poop he will just hold until we put a diaper on him for bed time. He loves to flush the potty, even if he goes in the potty chair, but I have been telling him he can only flush if he does a dirt-dog in the potty. More on the dirt dog in another blog. (It is otherwise known to the normal human as a turd.)

Well, two screaming kids - one who wants to sleep, and one who is screaming, "NEED THAT!" and pointing to the Aquaphor ointment sitting next to the computer in dire need of rubbing it on his legs like lotion - and it's time to go. I need to get ready anyway for my dentist appointment and the trip to Papa and Mimi's for a "big tractor ride." If he doesn't get to go soon he just might not make it...and neither will I.


Betsee said...

Okay. I'll reiterate what I think I said to you before. Elaina will learn what "just a minute" means. You MUST bow down to Zachary's wants, needs and desires first.
That's the way it is with all firstborns. Look at your mom, you, Jordan, Mitchell, Zeke.... it's the way of the world my dear. Especially at 2!

Anonymous said...

Zachary? Independent? LOL
Sounds like Kenton with the fruit snacks! Maybe do what you said by taking all his toys out of his room and then put him in there for time out. We make Dude sit on his bed for time out and its devastating!!! LOL And you also can't hear it so well :D

Liz said...

Yesterday I did put him in Time-out in his room and you would have thought the world was ending. OMG