Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Maestro

I apologize that this is my first update for the week. I know you may find it hard to believe that I have been busy, right?

It has been a crazy house this week. Especially Tuesday. I normally take Zachary to day-care to get a 'day off' once a week. I have a lady who does it for $2/hour and doesn't make me reserve a spot. I started doing this when I first found out I was pregnant so that I could go to my appointments and catch up on my much needed sleep without a little person constantly tugging at my jeans and trying to be my boss. At this point, there is no catching up on sleep. I now use these days to get done what I can't with Zachary with me. i.e. grocery shopping.

Tuesday started out with me dropping Zachary off at 9:15 and then taking Elaina in for her two month appointment a la shots. However, we were having some insurance issues because my husband waited until the last possible second (literally) to enroll her. (I know this may come as a SHOCK - insert eye rolling here.) Either way, we got it figured out (or shall I say that I got it figured out) and she was able to go to her appointment. Not that I am bitter about this.

Afterward, we stopped at the mall so I could get some much needed new bras from Victoria's Secret. She was very good despite the fact that she had just had three shots. She slept the whole time. Then we went home where I fed her, put her down for a quickie nap and made my grocery list. Then we packed up the car and went to the store for our bi-weekly shopping excursion. I had gotten about five items when she decided to explode in her pants. It wouldn't have been such a big deal other than the fact that she got it all over the only blanket we had with us...and GOD FORBID one of my children be without a beebit (or blanket) at any given moment. She got to screaming so loudly that I actually had to go and open a blanket, give it to her and just pay for it when we checked out. The checker was none to pleased about this, but I am sure she was much more pleased than she would have been if she had listened to a screaming child for the past hour. Either way, we were off.

We came home, brought in the groceries, put them all away and sat down for 2.2 seconds to catch my breath. Then back into the car to pick up Zachary. When we got home he acted as though someone had given him three liters of mountain do and 14 candy bars. He was bouncing off the walls and thought he was very helpful and funny. With me wrestling Elaina who wasn't feeling well and food flying through the kitchen from me trying to get dinner ready since Zachary was SURE that he would starve to DEATH if he didn't eat RIGHT THIS MINUTE, Tim calls and tells me that he will be late.


At this point I am thinking Zachary - you are getting no bath and going STRAIGHT to bed at 7pm, or I will surely kill one or the other of us. To which he replied, in so many ways, don't worry Mommy, just put me in my room and I will scream for you underneath my door for an hour or so SO loudly that Elaina can't relax and will respond by crying. Don't worry, Mommy, you will be the maestro and conduct the orchestra that the two of us are about to create JUST FOR YOU in honor of the fact that Daddy is coming home late! YES!

And yet I survived this day. Surprisingly enough, I am here to tell about it. Just barely, but I am.


Anonymous said...

Aren't children and hubbys AMAZING? Inserting my own eye roll LOL!!!

The LaHuis Family said...

Yes, Kathy days!! Even my mom knows when it has been a Kathy day and I don't tell her. . . That is why I pick them up at 6pm. Then they are only with me for 2 hours before bed. Learn It! Do It! I am telling you that is what you have to do;)