Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Nutritionist and the Broccoli

We finally brought a new member into our family. We adopted a dog named Sasha, and she is so much fun. A true joy to have around. We even had a trainer come in and she was very impressed with Sasha. We are pretty sure that she was once trained, and now just needs some brushing up. It really makes my life very easy! She even does well in the yard which is not fenced. She stays right with us and loves to play ball and Frisbee. We are so excited to take her to the beach this summer.

I know that the tales of Zachary-land have not been posted recently, and so I figured I would give you a few morsels today.

Yesterday we went to see the nutritionist and she asked Zachary what kinds of food he likes to eat.

Zachary: French fries!
Her: You do? What else?
Zachary: French fries!
Her: What other foods do you eat?
Zachary: French toast!
Her: Oh, you like any other foods?
Me: Tell her about what kinds of fruit you like to eat.
Zachary: Fruit snacks!
Me: What other fruit? What about strawberries?
Zachary: I only like to eat apples out of the garage.


I find this very interesting since I can't even keep fresh fruit in the house. He actually ate seven tangerines in one day a few weeks ago. It is constantly grapes, strawberries, pineapple, oranges...etc... Whatever he can get his hands on. We went through 10 lbs of bananas in a weekend. No joke.

As for today, it's been a good one already. Well, good for you anyway, since you get to reap the benefits of my messes. I took a rest on the couch, only to wake up and find two entire heads of broccoli shredded into trees that were being used as a forest for his trains.

Me: Zachary, what is this? (pointing to the broccoli)
Zachary: (pauses....) A MESS!
Me: Clean it up. Now.

I went downstairs to start a load of laundry right after this. We keep our folded laundry on our large laundry table that we have set up in the laundry room. He had taken his arm and cleared off half of the laundry. But what's wrong with that? He needed it to break his fall when he was going down his slide. Clearly, it was a necessity. Now all of the clean laundry was mixed with the dirty. Needless to say, I made him sit in timeout until I was finished cleaning it up.

What else will this day bring?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the out of the trash comment LOL!!!!!