Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Shots :(

A whole week of no posts. It's been a rather long one. I am desperately waiting for Friday.

We had a great day on Monday when we went to swim. Zachary is really liking it. I, on the other hand, need a new bathing suit before the chicks leave the nest, if you know what I mean. It's my pre-baby suit which fits in all areas except ...the nest. Good thing that the stores have their Spring break stuff out now. I haven't found one that I like as of yet, but hopefully soon.

Tim is wishing for snow and I am hating him for it. It is pure evil to do that to me. I have been enjoying this winter for the most part. The vitamin D is helping with the depression and we haven't had as much snow as usual. Well, I say usual, but really it's just that the past two years we have been pounded. Someone said yesterday that Spring is only about 60 days away. I am really looking forward to gardening this year. It should be great with my two little gnomes to help.

Elaina had he six month appointment on Tuesday. She had her shots, and has pretty much recovered. My poor girl had a fever. I hate that but it is necessary. This is where I get on my soap box and say, "IMMUNIZE!"

Other than that, I am excited to try a new recipe this weekend. We are making "pudding shots". My Aunt Betsee gave me the recipe. We are also making some jell-o shots that sounds uber-scrumptious.

Pudding Shots
1 sm pkg instant pudding
3/4 c milk
1/4 c vodka - flavored to taste
1/2 c irish cream
8 oz extra creamy cool whip

Mix pudding and milk for a couple of minutes with an electric mixer, then add alcohol, mix well. Mix in Cool Whip. Then you can freeze them, but you don't have to. Makes about 50 shots. (Or, you could just eat it out of the bowl like a giant dessert.)

She said that the Jell-o shots were the best. Pineapple Jell-o with coconut rum. Oh-la-la. I can't wait.

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