Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Big Ice Cream

Over the week of New Years, we stayed a night with my Granny and Bum. It was a lot of fun, and good to see them. Zachary particularly loves it because he knows where the treats are, and is pretty much never denied.

I went down to take a nap and Bum asked Zachary, "I need to go to the store and get some pop. Do you want to go?"

Zachary: (thinks)
Bum: Do you like pop?
Zachary: Yep
Bum: What kind of pop should we get?
Zachary: A lollipop

Later that night they took us out to dinner at OCB. Afterward, Zachary said he had to go to the bathroom. Timothy takes him in there and he decides that he wants to pee in the urinal. They finish up and come back to the table.

Zachary: I peed on the BIG ICE CREAM!
Me: Zachary, that's not nice to say.
Zachary: I peed on the BIG ICE CREAM!
Tim: He thought the urinal cake was ice cream.

Never a dull moment. He still thinks he needs to eat bologna for breakfast and is keeping the fruit snack companies in business. Lately, he has also been hooked on Clementines. Life is good. Life is really good.

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