Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Update

Wow! I've really dropped the ball on the whole "blogging thing." I feel that I can safely say that since I glanced at my last post and saw that the date read "2007." Let's get up to speed, shall we?

So much to talk about. At this point, we have Zachary who is now 2 1/2 and Elaina who was born on July 14th of this year (now 8 weeks). I can't believe we skipped so much on Zachary and my entire second pregnancy! With good reason, I suppose, since the last update on him continues to sum him up and we all know how much I love to be pregnant. If you don't recall the mess, see the blog labeled poop-fest. I had honestly forgotten about this incident until I re-read it just moments ago and enjoyed a good laugh myself, however, that is just dust in the wind at this point. There are much bigger fish to fry than a little ole poop smear on the carpet. Especially with two.

Having two children is more amazing than I ever imagined. And more work. I thought having one baby was so hard...? Ha. Haha. Hahaha. That is me laughing in my own face, in case you didn't catch that. I think two is probably our limit.

Although the days are rough some times...many a time....okay, who am I kidding? All the is so worth it and I figured that you could enjoy the moments with me. Especially since we are so far from most of you. I don't want you to miss out on the poop-smearing, fruit snack loving, coffee creamer spilling, bologna eating, tractor riding, juice pouring, screaming at the top of his lungs while throwing a mowmer-bite (otherwise known as a motorbike) at the check-out lady, loving boy. And I know that you don't want to miss out either. It's only fair that you get a good laugh out of my - most of the time - misforture, since I usually do.

Tomorrow I shall update you on the coffee creamer spilling as we have had a scene over the past two days. I know that you are just waiting with bated breath to hear about the operation that I hired in for half the price of Stanley Steemer. It's one for the books. Until then, good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You totally need to add the follower widget! I NEED TO KNOW when crazy occurs (like your extremely attactive carpet cleaner lady *coughsacrasmcough*)!!!