Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Boss

We recently started with the, "I don't wike her wookin' at me," and "I don't wike her waughing and me." Ugh. The drama. He is definitely getting quite the attitude which is resulting in many a timeout.

He likes to think that he is in charge. The other day at dinner, Elaina was throwing her food (as usual).

Me: Zachary, you need to eat your bread.
Zachary: Laina is throwing her food.
Me: How about I'll be in charge of Laina, and you be in charge of eating your bread.
Zachary: How about I'll be in charge of Laina, and you be in charge of eating my bread.

They normally get along pretty well, but I think that is because she pretty much does what he tells her. It's when she doesn't listen that things to awry.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Red Light

We have been learning about "stop" and "go" lately. It started when Zachary was asking why we were stopping in the car. We explained that you stop on red and go on green. The other day we were on our way down to my Mom's and were coming off of 131 in Schoolcraft. The light turned yellow and I went through.

Zachary: Um, that was red.
Me: No, it was yellow and I didn't think I could stop safely, so I kept going.
Zachary: Well, next time you need to be careful.

Shortly after that we were headed through Vicksburg when we passed the cemetery.

Zachary: That is a LOT of bricks.

Where does he come up with this stuff? Although I guess it really is a lot of bricks.

He has been arguing with Elaina recently. By arguing, I mean she grabs the remote and turns off his show and he screams at her. This makes her cry, and he knows that the crying will be shortly followed by scolding. To try and calm her down he tells her, "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....twinkle, twinkle, little star..." and proceeds to sing while trying to get her to stop having her fit.

Yesterday while they were playing toys she took something from him and he got very frustrated. He looked at her and she started babbling saying "da, da, da, da" to which he replied, "Laina! I am NOT your DADDY!"

Tim and I cracked up.

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Coloring Contest

I figured that I would sit down and do something productive at nap time today rather than just rotting my brain playing facebook games. Lucky for you, the desire for accomplishment resulted in a blog.

Not much has happened today. I cleaned up the dining room and scrubbed a few stains out of the carpeting and did the dishes. It wasn't exactly our smartest move to carpet the (what is now) dining room, but at the time we made the decision it was still a den. Hind sight is 20/20 I guess.

It's a beautiful day with no humidity and yet I can't find the motivation to go outside. I'd rather just be relaxing and cleaning my house. It seems worth it to me since having a clean house feels as good as winning the lottery. Well, a scratch-off anyways. Better than a one dollar scratcher, though. Maybe more like winning $20 on a scratcher.

I blew up some pictures of my kids. Not like with a bomb, but like I sent them to Cost-co and had 16x20's printed. I have one of each of them hanging over the back of my couch and I love it. It's wonderful to see their faces so life-sized and...quiet. It's amazing.

I forgot to mention that a few weeks ago Zachary won a major award. During the balloon festival (in Battle Creek) we went to Arlene's Truck Stop for breakfast with my grandparents. They are regulars and we like to tag along when we are in town. They were having a coloring contest and I asked if I could participate. They told me I could help my son. (Any of you who know me know that I am always in for a good competition.) Come to find out, Zachary is EXCELLENT at drawing and coloring and actually WON the contest! He gets a free ice cream the next time he goes in. I am so proud. :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Day Off

It's amazing how much a "day off" from children will rejuvenate me. This morning I am feeling full of energy. Beautiful day, great to be alive.

I made a trade with my dear friend Debbie. Babysitting for house cleaning. She even kept them over night! It was fabulous to have a date with my husband, even though I ended up losing some points on my diet for drinking margaritas. Every point was worth it. Now, this morning, I am relaxing, I am not cleaning the house, and I am not doing laundry. I am enjoying the peace and quiet. The mess will still be there tomorrow, and a moment of sanity is a rare and precious jewel.

On the way down yesterday Zachary had a peach for breakfast. I offered to cut it up for him and take the pit out, but he resisted. I wanted it "big". We got into the car and he took two bites and told me he was done. I asked why he didn't eat it. He told me it was because there was poop in it. I assured him that there was no poop and that it was just a pit, but he insisted that there was poop inside and he needed to throw it out the window. I don't know if it was the poop or the excitement of throwing something out the window, but sometimes you have to choose your battles. I rolled down the window, turned up the radio and counted down the seconds to my freedom. Life is good.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Stickers

When you have a son like Zachary, there is always more to tell. Without further ado…I present more escapades in the life and times of the McClelland children.
The other day Timothy, Elaina and I were sitting in the living room while Zachary was playing with his stickers in the dining room. He collected three of his favorites and brought them in to us.

Zachary: Here’s one for you, Mommy.
Me: Thank you, Zachary.
Zachary: Here’s one for you, Daddy.
Daddy: Thank you, Zachary.
Zachary: And one for me.
Me: Um, aren’t you forgetting someone?
Zachary: :::looks around::: Who? My cat?
Me: No…
Zachary: Oh, you mean ‘Laina? She eats stickers.

It made me feel slightly better that it wasn’t that he had forgotten her but that he had a logical reason to not include her.

He ratted out his grandpa a few weeks ago. I swear that he doesn’t forget anything. Unfortunately for Papa Mark, times have changed since Tim and his brothers were kids and the little people are not allowed to ride in the front anymore. In all fairness, he didn't know, but we still thought it was funny the way Zachary brought it up.

Zachary: I rode in the front.
Me: When?
Zachary: With Papa Mark.
Me: When?
Zachary: On the way to the party.
Me: No, you didn't. You sit in the back seat only.
Zachary: No, I rode in the front and it wasn't even dangerous.
Me: Then where did Grandma ride?
Zachary: In the back with my sister.
Me: Tell me the truth.
Zachary: I am telling the truth. I rode in the front. It wasn't dangerous, Mommy.

I am so glad he could reassure me...