Friday, August 6, 2010

The Coloring Contest

I figured that I would sit down and do something productive at nap time today rather than just rotting my brain playing facebook games. Lucky for you, the desire for accomplishment resulted in a blog.

Not much has happened today. I cleaned up the dining room and scrubbed a few stains out of the carpeting and did the dishes. It wasn't exactly our smartest move to carpet the (what is now) dining room, but at the time we made the decision it was still a den. Hind sight is 20/20 I guess.

It's a beautiful day with no humidity and yet I can't find the motivation to go outside. I'd rather just be relaxing and cleaning my house. It seems worth it to me since having a clean house feels as good as winning the lottery. Well, a scratch-off anyways. Better than a one dollar scratcher, though. Maybe more like winning $20 on a scratcher.

I blew up some pictures of my kids. Not like with a bomb, but like I sent them to Cost-co and had 16x20's printed. I have one of each of them hanging over the back of my couch and I love it. It's wonderful to see their faces so life-sized and...quiet. It's amazing.

I forgot to mention that a few weeks ago Zachary won a major award. During the balloon festival (in Battle Creek) we went to Arlene's Truck Stop for breakfast with my grandparents. They are regulars and we like to tag along when we are in town. They were having a coloring contest and I asked if I could participate. They told me I could help my son. (Any of you who know me know that I am always in for a good competition.) Come to find out, Zachary is EXCELLENT at drawing and coloring and actually WON the contest! He gets a free ice cream the next time he goes in. I am so proud. :)

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