Monday, August 23, 2010

The Red Light

We have been learning about "stop" and "go" lately. It started when Zachary was asking why we were stopping in the car. We explained that you stop on red and go on green. The other day we were on our way down to my Mom's and were coming off of 131 in Schoolcraft. The light turned yellow and I went through.

Zachary: Um, that was red.
Me: No, it was yellow and I didn't think I could stop safely, so I kept going.
Zachary: Well, next time you need to be careful.

Shortly after that we were headed through Vicksburg when we passed the cemetery.

Zachary: That is a LOT of bricks.

Where does he come up with this stuff? Although I guess it really is a lot of bricks.

He has been arguing with Elaina recently. By arguing, I mean she grabs the remote and turns off his show and he screams at her. This makes her cry, and he knows that the crying will be shortly followed by scolding. To try and calm her down he tells her, "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....twinkle, twinkle, little star..." and proceeds to sing while trying to get her to stop having her fit.

Yesterday while they were playing toys she took something from him and he got very frustrated. He looked at her and she started babbling saying "da, da, da, da" to which he replied, "Laina! I am NOT your DADDY!"

Tim and I cracked up.

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