Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Stickers

When you have a son like Zachary, there is always more to tell. Without further ado…I present more escapades in the life and times of the McClelland children.
The other day Timothy, Elaina and I were sitting in the living room while Zachary was playing with his stickers in the dining room. He collected three of his favorites and brought them in to us.

Zachary: Here’s one for you, Mommy.
Me: Thank you, Zachary.
Zachary: Here’s one for you, Daddy.
Daddy: Thank you, Zachary.
Zachary: And one for me.
Me: Um, aren’t you forgetting someone?
Zachary: :::looks around::: Who? My cat?
Me: No…
Zachary: Oh, you mean ‘Laina? She eats stickers.

It made me feel slightly better that it wasn’t that he had forgotten her but that he had a logical reason to not include her.

He ratted out his grandpa a few weeks ago. I swear that he doesn’t forget anything. Unfortunately for Papa Mark, times have changed since Tim and his brothers were kids and the little people are not allowed to ride in the front anymore. In all fairness, he didn't know, but we still thought it was funny the way Zachary brought it up.

Zachary: I rode in the front.
Me: When?
Zachary: With Papa Mark.
Me: When?
Zachary: On the way to the party.
Me: No, you didn't. You sit in the back seat only.
Zachary: No, I rode in the front and it wasn't even dangerous.
Me: Then where did Grandma ride?
Zachary: In the back with my sister.
Me: Tell me the truth.
Zachary: I am telling the truth. I rode in the front. It wasn't dangerous, Mommy.

I am so glad he could reassure me...

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