Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Bear

What a day. Preschool? Check. Headache? Check. At least Zachary isn't quite as grumpy today because he got to bring Mr. Bear home. Mr. Bear is the class "pet" that each child gets to bring home the night before their "special helper day". They are supposed to take him on an adventure of sorts, write about it in the Mr. Bear book and bring him back to school the next day.

Me: Zachary, are you excited that Mr. Bear is coming home with us?
Zachary: Yes!
Me: What are we going to do with him?
Zachary: I 'bout...take him on a hot date.

Instead, we took him to the park. We didn't want to take him anywhere too fancy for our first meeting. We don't want him to think it's serious.

Since I picked up the boy, the bear has not left his side. He even played football with Tim and Zachary in the back yard. He needs some practice on his catching, however.

Unfortunately, we had another incident with Zachary yesterday. Another week of preschool, another injury. I have been repeatedly telling him that he MUST wear shoes outside and he repeatedly fails to listen. I think he finally figured out that mom's know everything yesterday when he stepped on a rock and I found him standing in a pool of his own blood, screaming. Luckily he didn't need stitches. I was thinking that if I took him back to urgent care they were going to think that we don't actually have a family doctor. We are regulars over there, but my children only like to get injured after hours.

Off to make dinner.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The First Week of School

It has been a mad house over here! Elaina is teething and trying to give up her naps and Zachary has been going to school this week. It's like we are constantly on the move, and I can't say that I hate it.

We thought that Zachary had broken his finger on Tuesday night. He was out playing with his trains in the dirt when I heard him scream. He had tried to pick up a piece of flagstone that we have as ornamental stairs going down to the back yard and accidentally dropped it on his finger. It swelled up and turned purple, so off to urgent care we went. Luckily it wasn't broken and they sent us home. While we were there the nurse gave him a coloring book that had pictures of food it in. By this time he was feeling much better and told me, "Look, Mommy! Look at this picture of scrumptious lunch!" Scrumptious? Where does he hear these things?

He has really been enjoying going to school, but when I pick him up he is an absolute monster. Everyone keeps telling me it only gets worse. I guess when you have to be on your best behavior for three hours, it's time to let loose on your mom when you get home. It's hard to get any information out of him about school. He did tell us that the boy in the green shirt is very naughty because he turned on the phone, and that the boy in the bug shirt wouldn't share. It's been two days of school and that's all we know.

Yesterday I did my shopping while Elaina was at daycare and Zachary was in class. I did my normal ritual, starting at Aldi and then going to Meijer. (Mums are only 2.99 at Aldi right now!) I love going to Aldi because their checkers move at warp speed. Even if there are 10 people in line it doesn't take me more than a few minutes to finish with my order. Meijer was a different story. I swear, this woman was moving at the speed of nail growth. I have never been in a checkout line for 45 minutes until yesterday. This resulted in me being five minutes late to pick up Zachary and I was none too happy about that.

Last night my mom was here because she is working in Grand Rapids. After dinner she had her first encounter with the Backyardigans. Lucky her. It was the one where they are pretending to be vikings, but Zachary informed her that she could not be a viking because "Mimi, you do not have a biking hat." (Or a viking hat, for that matter.)

Well, that's all for today. Yay for the end of the week. Love to all.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Band-Aid

Yesterday was relatively good. The sun was shining and the weather was really enjoyable. The kids were pretty good other than the occasional spitting contest and throwing tiny rainbow-colored animals at each other, so I can't really complain. As earlier stated, it could always be worse.

We sat down and made our family rule list. Zachary is doing very well with it, mostly because he doesn't care much for sitting in timeout. We have tried spanking and it just doesn't work as well as sitting him in the naughty spot and not letting him be in control. He like to be in control...must have gotten it from his father.

Zachary and I have been having the battle of the band-aids. I bought two boxes a few weeks ago (the fabric kind) and he seems to think that he needs one on every appendage. Every time I walk into the bathroom it's like a band-aid grenade has gone off. How do they get all over everything? It's like he was running around and around and couldn't catch himself to stick them on. Instead he catches all of the inanimate objects in the bathroom and covers up their imaginary boo-boos.

It was around 8:00 last night when Tim went to put the dirt mongrel in the bath. I was cleaning up the kitchen when I heard...

Tim: Liz! Get in here now and look at this!
Me: What?
Tim: Look at your son. Do you notice anything out of the ordinary?

There stood Zachary, buck naked with - you guessed it - his penis wrapped up in a band-aid. Here is the best part. You know how when you wrap up your finger in a band-aid it doesn't quite fit so it makes a little point on the end? Well, Mr. Pointy Penis he was. It was quite a sight. I laughed and laughed and immediately tried to think of people I could call and share the humor with.

Me: Zachary, you need to take that off.
Zachary: I don't want to take it off
Me: Well, you need to.
Zachary: Okay! (goes to rip it off) OW!
Me: Okay, we need to get it off there.
Zachary: Okay, Mommy. I will do it because I need to do it very gently.

Moral of the story - never wrap your penis up tightly in a band-aid.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Fruity Pebbles

It's been an exciting ride lately, and by exciting I actually mean exhausting. I was seriously considering selling my son on E-bay last Friday. Well, I don't know if I can actually call it selling since I was going to pay someone to take him. I was one "why?" away from insanity. I continue to reassure myself that "things could be worse!"

As usual, Tim is still finding ways to wrench my nerves. Much to his dismay, I have to share this in hopes that it will make him refrain from doing it. Let me start by saying that we have one bathroom. One, and only one, and it is one thing on a long list of many that I don't love about this house. It is rather smallish and the toilet sits relatively close to the tub. Now, in the evening I love nothing more than soaking in a hot bath, but for some reason Timothy's bowels think that my bathing is the perfect time to let loose. Actually, it doesn't matter what time of day it is. Morning, noon, or nighty-night, his bowels always respond accordingly to me in the bath. The MINUTE I get into the tub, it's time. "Seriously? You didn't know that you had to go two minutes ago before I got into the tub?" Have I mentioned I am raising three kids?

On another note, I felt my true age the other day. For some reason we were talking about the Flintstones when my Uncle Joe said, "You know, I bed my kids don't even know who the Flintstones are." I couldn't believe that it could be true, so I turned to my 10 year old cousin, Kyla.

Me: Do you know who the Flintstones are?
Kyla: Yeah! I know who they are.
Her Mom: Like Pebbles and Bam-Bam? You know them?
Kyla: Duh, yeah, I know them.
Me: So you can sing the song?
Kyla: No. I eat their cereal.

The fact that this child thinks that the Flintstones came about just to pose on a box of Fruity Pebbles makes me feel less than young.

I am so glad that the Fall weather has finally rolled around. I am enjoying it very much and so are my kids. Of course, we all know that Zachary would live outside if I would allow it, but Elaina cannot stand the heat. She is very happy that she can get outside now to enjoy her daily intake of wood chips.

Zachary just found the band-aids so I must go and de-mummify him. Here's to a happy Monday. Cheers!