Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Band-Aid

Yesterday was relatively good. The sun was shining and the weather was really enjoyable. The kids were pretty good other than the occasional spitting contest and throwing tiny rainbow-colored animals at each other, so I can't really complain. As earlier stated, it could always be worse.

We sat down and made our family rule list. Zachary is doing very well with it, mostly because he doesn't care much for sitting in timeout. We have tried spanking and it just doesn't work as well as sitting him in the naughty spot and not letting him be in control. He like to be in control...must have gotten it from his father.

Zachary and I have been having the battle of the band-aids. I bought two boxes a few weeks ago (the fabric kind) and he seems to think that he needs one on every appendage. Every time I walk into the bathroom it's like a band-aid grenade has gone off. How do they get all over everything? It's like he was running around and around and couldn't catch himself to stick them on. Instead he catches all of the inanimate objects in the bathroom and covers up their imaginary boo-boos.

It was around 8:00 last night when Tim went to put the dirt mongrel in the bath. I was cleaning up the kitchen when I heard...

Tim: Liz! Get in here now and look at this!
Me: What?
Tim: Look at your son. Do you notice anything out of the ordinary?

There stood Zachary, buck naked with - you guessed it - his penis wrapped up in a band-aid. Here is the best part. You know how when you wrap up your finger in a band-aid it doesn't quite fit so it makes a little point on the end? Well, Mr. Pointy Penis he was. It was quite a sight. I laughed and laughed and immediately tried to think of people I could call and share the humor with.

Me: Zachary, you need to take that off.
Zachary: I don't want to take it off
Me: Well, you need to.
Zachary: Okay! (goes to rip it off) OW!
Me: Okay, we need to get it off there.
Zachary: Okay, Mommy. I will do it because I need to do it very gently.

Moral of the story - never wrap your penis up tightly in a band-aid.

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