Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Lazy Baby

Good morning. We are snowed in. Kinda. We really are not any more snowed in than we normally are at this time of year, but since it's pretty much the first heavy snow of the season, people are freaking out. Apparently God pulled one over on them this summer. It was so nice outside that he fooled everyone into thinking that they moved to Florida and that their "snow days" were a mere memory. Needless to say, I think he's getting a good laugh about now.

I hate the snow. Well, when I'm in it. I love the snow, but there are stipulations. I have to be inside, looking at it through a window, in a warm house. There also has to be sun shining on the snow. Then I can tolerate the winter. Otherwise, I pretty much settle in for hibernation right about this time.

Everything is pretty normal around here this morning. Zachary is running around naked as a jay bird, and Elaina is slobbering all over the floor, desperately trying to crawl. This is how we know that she can move her legs. She pretty much refuses otherwise. If you try to stand her up, she just turns into a frog-leg and refuses to use her muscles. We asked the family doctor about it at her last appointment, and I quote, "She is just lazy." And it is true. Try as we might, she will not stand. She will not stand in a walker, or an exersaucer, or if you try to hold her and get her to do it on your lap. She pretty much looks at you like, "geesh, that looks like a lot of thanks." Laziest baby ever. She also has given up on solid food. Again, too much work for her. She would just assume have a bottle. What a brat, right? At least I am pretty sure that she gets her stubbornness from her father.


Melody said...

LOL, my Evan was the SAME way!
Lazy baby! LOL!
He wouldn't do anything that required any physical exertion for the longest time, LOL! We'd put him on his belly for tummy time and he'd scream like we were torturing him. Took FOREVER to crawl, pull up, walk, etc. LOL! Content to just be carried around, LOL!

Liz said...

I am glad that I don't have the only lazy baby! The doctor said that she will do it...when she is good and ready!

The LaHuis Family said...

OH LIZ, She is so funny. I would just give her solids and say too bad girl. You don't get a bottle until you eat some;) LOL

Kari said...

My second was the lazy one too... took her a long time to do everything!