Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Lamb

Three posts this week? Can you stand it?!

I'm actually just sitting here trying to get motivated. Drinking some coffee ::shocker:: and reading some e-mails. Last night we did get up the strength (mentally) to clean out some of the basement, or as I say, the toy cave. That is where Zachary's 4,592,376 toys live - in the toy cave. This summer we also moved his bedroom down there, so that works out really well for everyone. He is close to his toys, and his toys are out of my way. It's a beautiful thing. Yesterday was the weeding out of the garbage toys that pretty much NO ONE would want, and today I think I am going to have to go through and pick out some to get rid of that just plain do not get played with. The biggest tub I ended up with was full of "guys". Who ever thought of making little tiny people, dinosaurs and animals must have been insane. The only people worse are the ones who buy them, i.e. me. Have you ever stepped on a plastic cow the size of your thumb. It can do some serious damage. Don't try it at home, folks. Or, in the case of my brother Nicholas, a sheep...

The other night we went over to my parents house to visit, have some dinner and relax. My mom had just gotten out her Christmas stuff, and has precious moments nativity set that she tells Zachary, and I quote "I have had longer than I have had your Momma!" Yeah, old. So, anyway, although it is glassish (ceramic?) she says he can play with it carefully. So he does, and the people are talking to each other, and they kiss and hug, and it's a grand ol' time to be a wise man. He particularly loved the tiny lamb and carried it around for a while. When he was done playing with it, of course he didn't pick it up - he left it in the floor. So, my brother Nicholas gets up to leave the living room and all I see is him fall flat on his face into the dining room from the living room, spilling whatever it was that he was carrying. I couldn't figure out what he had tripped over. Well, yep, you guessed it, he stepped right on the sheep. Now, you would think that it might break or something, but it did better than that. The tiny sheep turned to sheep dust! I had never seen anything quite like it! It was so weird. Luckily my mom is a firm believer in "it is just a thing" but as for Nicholas, he's lucky he didn't have to take a trip to the ER to have some lamb removed from his foot.

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