Friday, December 4, 2009

The Oh wait...update

Okay, okay. So I've been busy...I'm sorry. If you are needing the fix of a post from me, just send me a message. That will surely motivate me. Well, sometimes...depending on my schedule, and the amount of screaming that is happening at that very moment, and the time of day, and how much laundry I have left to do, and how well I am doing at Bejeweled Blitz...and 107 other things. Okay, so chances aren't good, but as recently requested, here is your update.

Everything has been going well. Almost nothing to tell! Kids are good, and Zachary is potty trained. Honest to God, it only took two days. Ask me how! I'm like an infomercial. Elaina is getting big and is now eating cereal, squash, peas and applesauce. She thinks that she is basically awesome, which, ofcourse, she is.

We have been doing the Game On! diet for almost four weeks now, and I have lost about 11 lbs. Tim has lost about 10, and we are feelings great. We even cleaned out our pantry, letting go of anything 'not occuring in nature' and are starting this as our new healthy lifestyle. Now, don't get me wrong, sometimes I do need the comfort of a deep-fried something-or-other, or a large piece of dessert, or two (or more) but other than that, we are really making a change, and I feel great about it. We are starting another game on the first of the year, so if you are thinking you want to get in on it, buy the book, read it, and let me know!

We put up our Christmas tree last weekend, and Zachary said "Look Mommy, it's so cute!" I laughed. He has been saying lots of funny things lately, but the best day was when he said "Mommy, I love much."

Do you need to refridgerate baby carrots?

Oh..wait...I have the perfect story that I JUST remembered, and you will be glad that I did since I was just about to close this post.

Tim and his exercising. It is a sight to be seen. OMG I am practically rolling around on the floor laughing just thinking about it. Here goes...

So, for this Game On! diet, you have to exercise at least 20 minutes per day to get your points. That said, my teammate, Katie, bought me a DVD for my birthday. It's Jillian's (the trainer from The Biggest Loser) 30 Day Shred, otherwise known as Hitler's 30 Seconds of Exercise until you pass out on the floor. It's intense. There are three levels and being the wise one that I am, chose to start on level one.

Now, we all know that no on can possibly look 'cool' doing a workout video. We pretty much look like morons flailing around in the air and humping and bumping on the floor while thinking we look so good that we could practically be IN the video. And yes, you look like this, even if you are really good at the 'moves'. Don't kid yourself.

I finished my workout, and Tim decided he would try his hand at it because he also needed his exercise points for the day. I took my shower, got ready for bed and went to watch some TV in the room. As I get into bed, I hear a lot of romping around, and this continues for about 40 minutes. I was confused by this because it is only a 20 minute workout. I go out to the living room (mind you, it is dark, the picture window is huge and the curtains are open) only to see my husband in his whitey-tighties and dark green socks pulled up to his knees (yes folks, that is ALL he was wearing) doing a move that no person, especially one dressed like this, should be doing. It was like a push-up position, but with your but WAY up in the air, and then with your hands on the floor, doing jumping-jack moves with your legs. Oh yeah, it was awesome. I lost it. I laughed so hard I almost died. Literally, I was suffocating. Not to mention the fact that sweat is pouring off of his face. Not wanting to be one-upped, he decided he would do ALL of the levels, one right after the other. He said he started out with more clothes on, but just couldn't handle it. So, not only did I get a show, but so did the whole neighborhood. And let me tell you, he was less than fluent in his moves.

Now aren't you glad that I remembered that little morsel?


Jen V. said...

OMG!!! Good thing you guys don't live on a busy street! Crazy Tim! Hahahahahahaha!

Melody said...

Sooooooooooooooooo needed a laugh about now...that was GREAT...the exercise story...just GREAT!

Kristen said...

HAHAHAHA!!! That's great! So needed that!

Kristen said...

By the way, it's snowed here in Texas... got out of work early too. So crazy!

Hot Pink Weddings said...

I am so glad i followed the link from facebook to your blog... because i do jillians 30 day shred all the time, and alan SUCKS at it, and thought it would be all easy. to his dismay, he can barely do level one (not that level one is easy, but he swore it would be.) hahahaha. so funny.

Hot Pink Weddings said...

oh, by the way. this is ashley. haha :) my blogger account is under one of my websites. confusing, maybe.