Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Shots :(

A whole week of no posts. It's been a rather long one. I am desperately waiting for Friday.

We had a great day on Monday when we went to swim. Zachary is really liking it. I, on the other hand, need a new bathing suit before the chicks leave the nest, if you know what I mean. It's my pre-baby suit which fits in all areas except ...the nest. Good thing that the stores have their Spring break stuff out now. I haven't found one that I like as of yet, but hopefully soon.

Tim is wishing for snow and I am hating him for it. It is pure evil to do that to me. I have been enjoying this winter for the most part. The vitamin D is helping with the depression and we haven't had as much snow as usual. Well, I say usual, but really it's just that the past two years we have been pounded. Someone said yesterday that Spring is only about 60 days away. I am really looking forward to gardening this year. It should be great with my two little gnomes to help.

Elaina had he six month appointment on Tuesday. She had her shots, and has pretty much recovered. My poor girl had a fever. I hate that but it is necessary. This is where I get on my soap box and say, "IMMUNIZE!"

Other than that, I am excited to try a new recipe this weekend. We are making "pudding shots". My Aunt Betsee gave me the recipe. We are also making some jell-o shots that sounds uber-scrumptious.

Pudding Shots
1 sm pkg instant pudding
3/4 c milk
1/4 c vodka - flavored to taste
1/2 c irish cream
8 oz extra creamy cool whip

Mix pudding and milk for a couple of minutes with an electric mixer, then add alcohol, mix well. Mix in Cool Whip. Then you can freeze them, but you don't have to. Makes about 50 shots. (Or, you could just eat it out of the bowl like a giant dessert.)

She said that the Jell-o shots were the best. Pineapple Jell-o with coconut rum. Oh-la-la. I can't wait.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Swim Class

Yesterday was Zachary's first Mommy and me swim class! It was so exciting. We go to the YMCA near us (otherwise known as the closest one, which is 20 minutes away). Elaina went to the daycare which was completely full of babies. Babies, babies, everywhere. It was a mad house! It was a Monday, and it is right after the New Year. It's busy for now but I am thinking the resolutions will die off quickly.

It was so wonderful to spend some one-on-one time with my son. I loved it, and he was so well behaved. I think we both enjoyed it equally. We did 'the wheels on the bus' and the kids went up and down, and the wheels went round and round, and the horn went splash, splash, splash. It was great. There are five children in the class, and of course, mine was the best. He even jumped into the water by himself (with a float belt on) and, after applause, did it again! I was so proud and we were both exhausted. I even took a two hour nap yesterday.

One thing we did during the class was play with sink toys. They were cut into the shape of animals and Zachary got the hippo. She had them put the sink toy down on the steps and they had to reach down to pick it up, putting their ear and cheek in the water. That was his favorite part. After that, during all of the other activities, all I heard was, "I need the hippo. I wanna play that hippo. I need him, mommy. I need the hippo." The teacher (Miss K.) let him give the hippo a ride on his belly while he was floating on his back. It was very exciting.

What a great day in mommy-land. What will today bring? Hopefully a clean house.

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Very Stinky Story

Me: You stink. Did you toot?
Zachary: No Mommy, I farted.
Me: No, we don't say farted, we say tooted.
Zachary: But I farted.
Me: But we say tooted.
Zachary: Daddy's says farted.
Me: But you say tooted. Daddy says tooted.
Zachary: No he don't. Daddy says farted.
Me: No, no one should say farted. You tooted.
Zachary: No I didn't. I farted.

Three minutes later...

Zachary: ::rips a big one::
Me: Zachary, did you toot again?
Zachary: No Mommy, I didn't.
Me: Was it Elaina?
Zachary: No, it was me. I farted.

The Rock and the Song

It's a great morning thus far. Elaina just went down for her first nap of the day, Zachary is 'playing his trains' and I am getting a cup of coffee and having some time to blog, just for you. Fun times for all!

Zachary finally stayed in his own bed last night. It was wonderful. He did come get me up at about 8:30, but who can complain about that? I mean, don't get me wrong, I was complaining to myself in my head when he did it because I was wanting more sleep, but still. Miss Elaina Rose has been enjoying her sleep as well. She gets up a little in the morning hours wanting her paci, but that's really about it. She doesn't force me to get her out of the bed until about 8 or 8:30, so that is nice.

There isn't much to talk about today. Last night, I asked Zachary if he was tired.

Zachary: No.
Me: Yes you are.
Zachary: No I'n not.
Me: Yes you are.
Zachary: No I'n not.
Me: Tell me the truth. Are you tired?
Zachary: Yes I'n tired. I needa song. I needa be rocked.

As much as I want him to fall asleep in his bed, by himself, I know that there aren't that may precious moments left. I mean, really, how long does your child want you to rock them and sing them a song? I just imagine myself 10 years from now, longing for it. So I do it. And every night I sing 'tinkle tinkle' and 'wock-bye baby' and it's a great end to a long day.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Continuation of the Late Night Potty

Is it bad that this has been going on now for four days? I can't help myself. Every time he comes upstairs and says he needs to pee, I just burst out laughing. I don't even know what to do at this point. I say, "then go..." and he goes in, squeezes out one or two drops of pee and goes back downstairs. Not to bed, of course, which is where he is supposed to be going.

The other night this happened and he went downstairs and we heard the train bucket being emptied. I gave it a few minutes, and went down. Light was on, trains everywhere. I'm like, where did he go? Just then, he peeks ever so slightly out of his bedroom door. "Hi Mommy."

Me: "Hi Zachary. What are you doing?"
Zachary: "Just being in my bed"
Me: "Oh, you are?"
Zachary: "And playing my trains."
Me: "Get in bed, now"

Lord only knows how long this will last. It does continue to get shorter and shorter each night, but is still happening. Even when we give him a good bedtime routine, that is. The other night I actually read seven books. It started out like this:

Zachary: I need the James book.
Me: We don't have a James book. (thinking he wants a book about James from Thomas the train)
Zachary: Yes, I need it. I need the James book.
Me: We don't have one.
Zachary: Yes we have one.
Me: No, you can choose from these ones.
Zachary: I want the James one.
Me: Zachary, you have to choose one of these ones (holds up 3 books)
Zachary: This one (points to the Snowman Storybook)
Me: (begins to read) In the morning, James woke....oh. This is the James book.

Maybe tonight will be better. More on this tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Big Ice Cream

Over the week of New Years, we stayed a night with my Granny and Bum. It was a lot of fun, and good to see them. Zachary particularly loves it because he knows where the treats are, and is pretty much never denied.

I went down to take a nap and Bum asked Zachary, "I need to go to the store and get some pop. Do you want to go?"

Zachary: (thinks)
Bum: Do you like pop?
Zachary: Yep
Bum: What kind of pop should we get?
Zachary: A lollipop

Later that night they took us out to dinner at OCB. Afterward, Zachary said he had to go to the bathroom. Timothy takes him in there and he decides that he wants to pee in the urinal. They finish up and come back to the table.

Zachary: I peed on the BIG ICE CREAM!
Me: Zachary, that's not nice to say.
Zachary: I peed on the BIG ICE CREAM!
Tim: He thought the urinal cake was ice cream.

Never a dull moment. He still thinks he needs to eat bologna for breakfast and is keeping the fruit snack companies in business. Lately, he has also been hooked on Clementines. Life is good. Life is really good.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Late Night Potty

It looks as though I haven't blogged since a little before Christmas. So much to say!

Well, it was a good one, and a happy new year thus far. My kids are still out of whack from traveling to and from Kalamazoo about a bagillion times, but they are recovering. Example:

(last night)

Zachary: (comes upstairs) I need to go potty
Me: Okay, you may.
Zachary: You needa come Mommy.
Me: No, you go ahead. You can do it.

Zachary: I did a dirt dog. I need my butt wiped.
Me: Okay (wipes butt and puts him back to bed)

9:05 pm
Zachary: (comes upstairs) I need to go potty.
Me: Shocker.
Zachary: You needa come Mommy.
Me: No, go in and go. You can do it.
Zachary: I did a dirt dog. I need my butt wiped.
Me: Okay (wipes butt) Now it's time to stay in bed. (takes him back down)

Zachary: (comes upstairs) I need to pee.
Me: No you don't.
Zachary: I need to pee, I need to pee...
Me: Okay, GO, quickly.
Zachary: (pushes as hard as he can to get out a very tiny pee and a tiny poop) I did a dirt dog. I need my butt wiped.
Me: OMG Okay (wipes butt) STAY IN YOUR BED.

Zachary: (comes upstairs)
Me: What did I say?
Zachary: Stay in the bed only
Me: Right, why are you up here?
Zachary: I need to go pee.
Me: Go back to your bed.
Zachary: I needa go potty.
Me: Ugggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh......

Zachary: (comes upstairs)
Tim: Let me guess, you need to pee?
Zachary: Yep-o-yep
Me: No you don't. Go to BED or I am closing you door.
Zachary: Noooo! Door open! Door open!
Me: Then go to bed!
Zachary: I need to go potty! (squeezes out literally ONE droplet of pee)
Me: Stay in this bed or I will shut the door. We are done going potty.

This continued until about 11pm. Eventually I did have to shut the door after the last time.

Zachary: (comes upstairs)
Me: What NOW?
Zachary: I need ice cream, Mommy!
Tim: He needs ice cream, Mommy!

We both started laughing so hard. I took him to bed, and with a tantrum and the shutting of his door, he did finally go to sleep. Needless to say, he slept until 10:30 this morning.

More blogging later. Zachary is trying to be the boss...I know that may shock you.