Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Sunny Day

It's a great day. Zachary just helped himself to a 12 cup bowl of watermelon and Elaina loves batteries. Seriously, she can sniff them out like nothing I have ever seen. It doesn't help that Zachary's trains go through them like water. Then he just leaves them on the floor. I know, you're shocked.

We have done so much since we woke up this morning. Lots of firsts. First farmer's market trip of the season. We ended up with watermelon, asparagus, tomatoes, cookies and a tomato plant. There was even a man strummin' his ole banjo. I asked him if he was in the kitchen with Dinah, and he just looked at me like I was crazy. Okay, I made that last part up, but he really did have a banjo.

It was so beautiful out this afternoon that we also had our first encounter with the sprinkler. Zachary was less than impressed with the fact that the water was giving him hypothermia, so we went on a hunt for his pool so we could fill it and let it warm in the sun. I found it in the top of the garage and it is too big for me to get it down by myself. I found the sled in the backyard and filled that up with water instead. I told him it would have to do until daddy gets home. He told me. "Why? All you need is a ladder." I guess it makes me feel good that he thinks I'm supermom, but this supermom isn't risking her life for a kiddie pool.

When we came in the house for lunch, he had stripped out of his shorts and spent a couple of hours in the nude. Once he finished, he got one his fireman rain boots and his metallic blue helmet (yes, that's all) and told me he was going back for more swimming. I told him that I thought some shorts would be a good idea.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Older Woman

Okay, so I forgot that this was actually what I was going to blog about today, so, lucky you, you get two.

The funny thing is that as you get older, so do the people around you. I liked to think that my mother would always be a spring chicken, but as the years go by, my hopes are crushed.

Let me give you the rundown. First of all, she loves cream of wheat. I think that statement can stand alone.

She is also taking to the loving of one restaurant. By one restaurant, I mean that she likes to go there every time she goes out. That's right. You guessed it...Bob Evans. Almost the elderly equivalent of Bill Knapps or Old Country Buffet. What's even better is that she goes there for fish, baked potato and broccoli and even comments on the portion sizes. When she finishes with her dinner I pretty much push her out in her wheel chair and load her onto the bus to go back to "the home". (Don't worry, I wipe her face first.)

This weekend, I finally realized that it is over. My mother is old. While on the dance floor Saturday night, with her less than "hip" moves, she actually pulled her pedometer out of her pocket and said, "Yes! I am almost to 10,000 steps." Aging at its finest.

Love you, Mom!

The Personal Heater

Good morning. I am having some coffee and trying to get motivated. The plan is to take my kids to the sitter and get some grocery shopping done. We are pretty much living off animal crackers and fruit roll-ups at this point.

I am so glad that I got so much done yesterday as far as planting goes. I wish it were Wednesday so I could go to the farmer's market. I just love it and I am planning on getting my veggies tomorrow (to plant). Last year Tim and I had a competition and he tried to grow his from seeds. I'll let you guess who won...but I am pretty sure that I already blogged about that.

The beast just woke up. We are trying to break the habit of him getting in our bed each night. We always have good intentions, but it's a lot easier to say that we will take him back to his bed at 10:00 before we fall asleep than it is at 2:00 am when he actually gets in. Part of me knows that they grow up too quickly and loves having him for my personal heater, but the other part doesn't like the fact that I start feeling like the hunchback of Notre Dame. My mom said to start making him a little bed on the floor and telling him that he can lay there. It's a great idea, but that would involve purging all the junk from my room. Ugh. Maybe some more coffee first.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Toad

Ugh, Monday. Monday's make me tired because I take Zachary to swimming. Sitting in the sauna-like atmosphere drains me of any energy that I otherwise would have had. I feel like I could slip into a coma right next to the pool. I always have good intentions of being productive, but it seems that it always results in a nap.

Today I have held out so far. I had plants to put into my garden and wanted to get it done before the rain comes today. We found a toad and Zachary carried it around for awhile until he got hungry. Then he told me that he needed some macaroni and cheese to eat outside. I came inside to start lunch while he drove his trains through the birdbath, toad in hand. I heard him start screaming and, much to my dismay, he had tipped over the top of the bath onto my lilies. Ugh.

He does love toads much more than he did last year. We found one at my mom's on Saturday and he was all about it. He carried it around for awhile until I saw him squeezing it a little. I told him that the toad would be happier in a bucket. He put him in with some grass and watched him for a little bit. When I noticed he had lost interest, I asked him if he was done with his toad.

Zachary: Yes
Me: Okay, then we need to take him over the field and let him go.
Zachary: (picks up toad) Over there? (points)
Me: Yes, carefully. Don't squeeze him.
Zachary: (VERY carefully carries the toad to the field.)
Me: Okay, put him down very gently.
Zachary: Okay.

At this point he puts his arm down as if he is going to put the toad on the ground, when I suddenly realize that it's actually him winding up. You guessed it. Sail toad. He threw the toad underhand out into the field. I'm pretty sure it fell from about 12 feet.

Me: Do you think the toad will be okay?
My Mom: Um.....yeah. I'm sure it will. Toads fly all the time.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Rainy Days

I have a headache. Maybe it is the weather, or maybe it is that Tim has been late two days in a row. Either way, the feeling of someone taking a jackhammer to my skull does not cease.

It has been rainy for three days and it has thrown me into a state of depression. I absolutely loath the fact that I cannot go outside and work in my garden. My hanging baskets are looking good; I just wish that I could have them out of my living room. I have blooms a-plenty inside my house. I can't wait to get these plants out of my dwelling and into the dirt. I am pretty sure that Elaina is about to start pooping pink and purple petals.

The kids are driving me nuts, and driving each other nuts. Pick, pick, pick. Pick, pick, pick.

Me: What are you doing to her?
Zachary: Bugging.
Me: Well stop it.
Zachary: She doesn't want to play my trains.
Me: Share.
Zachary: I don't need a timeout.

He is, of course, saying all of this while he is running around in nothing but his underwear. I am just so sick and tired of telling him, "Put your pants back on. Get your clothes on. Get your shirt on, put your pants BACK ON. Zachary....WHAT did I ask you to do?"

Zachary: Put my pants on.
Me: Then DO IT.
Zachary: I can't.

Fine then. Be naked. I really don't care at this point. As earlier stated, my head hurts, and Daddy better be on time tonight.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Toots

This morning I was checking my e-mail and drinking my coffee when I heard..

Zachary: You are BISGUSTING! That is BISGUSTING, Laina! BisGUSTING, Laina! That is so BISGUSTING!

Me: What did Elaina do?

Zachary: She is TOOTING!

Of course, she thought it was hilarious, as all babies do.

They are becoming quite the pair. Elaina thinks that Zachary is hilarious, which doesn't help anything. Especially when we are in the car and Zachary is "tooting his whistle" as loud as he possibly can. That would be yelling "WOOOOOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! WOOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm a TRAIN!"

Me: You need to keep your whistle down. Not so loud.
Zachary: (not listening) WOOOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOOOO!
Elaina: :::laughing hysterically:::
Me: Zachary! Do you need me to pull this van over?
Zachary: No.


Zachary: wooo, wooo.

I think in some ways he misses his dog. Well, actually, just in one way, and that is the fact that his sister won't fetch.

Zachary: Ready....a-set, GO! :::throws the little football::: Laina....GO....
Elaina: :::sits in the middle of the floor and claps:::
Zachary: GOOOO, Laina!
Elaina: ::laughs::
Zachary: ::Goes and gets the ball:: Ready, a-set, GO! ::throws it::: Go GET it, Laina. (pause) GO!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Tractor

I've been doing really well on my garden this year. I have picked tons of weeds, used my Round-Up, killed the ants, weeded most of the beds, MOWED THE LAWN (I know, don't faint) and even weed-whacked last night! They are looking really good but I still have tons of work to do.

It is so much fun to have my tikes outside with me. Especially since Zachary is a great helper now. Lots of times he tells me, "I need a job, Mommy." This usually results in him picking up the sticks (or losing interest, for that matter). I think the job he is really looking for is being the popsicle taste-tester, not stick removal.

He got a Power-Wheels John Deere tractor for his birthday. We went in on it with my parents and he loves it. I can hardly get him off of it. It can really pick up some speed when it is in second gear. At first we would only let him be in first because second goes so fast but he really needed to be able to shift it to get up the hill.

We put it in second gear.
Me: Okay, go!
Zachary: Okay. (takes off and races to the bottom of the hill at warp speed.) That was weird. (looks confused)

Yesterday we were out gardening and he was at it again. Elaina thinks it is hilarious to sit in the yard while Zachary circles her over and over. The problem is that he eventually circles in too far and hits her and knocks her over. Yesterday this happened about three times before I had to bring her inside.

Me: Zachary Ross! (runs to baby after she was knocked over by the tractor)
Zachary: Did she get hit by a car or something?


Zachary: I don't need a timeout.