Monday, May 17, 2010

The Toad

Ugh, Monday. Monday's make me tired because I take Zachary to swimming. Sitting in the sauna-like atmosphere drains me of any energy that I otherwise would have had. I feel like I could slip into a coma right next to the pool. I always have good intentions of being productive, but it seems that it always results in a nap.

Today I have held out so far. I had plants to put into my garden and wanted to get it done before the rain comes today. We found a toad and Zachary carried it around for awhile until he got hungry. Then he told me that he needed some macaroni and cheese to eat outside. I came inside to start lunch while he drove his trains through the birdbath, toad in hand. I heard him start screaming and, much to my dismay, he had tipped over the top of the bath onto my lilies. Ugh.

He does love toads much more than he did last year. We found one at my mom's on Saturday and he was all about it. He carried it around for awhile until I saw him squeezing it a little. I told him that the toad would be happier in a bucket. He put him in with some grass and watched him for a little bit. When I noticed he had lost interest, I asked him if he was done with his toad.

Zachary: Yes
Me: Okay, then we need to take him over the field and let him go.
Zachary: (picks up toad) Over there? (points)
Me: Yes, carefully. Don't squeeze him.
Zachary: (VERY carefully carries the toad to the field.)
Me: Okay, put him down very gently.
Zachary: Okay.

At this point he puts his arm down as if he is going to put the toad on the ground, when I suddenly realize that it's actually him winding up. You guessed it. Sail toad. He threw the toad underhand out into the field. I'm pretty sure it fell from about 12 feet.

Me: Do you think the toad will be okay?
My Mom: Um.....yeah. I'm sure it will. Toads fly all the time.

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