Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Tractor

I've been doing really well on my garden this year. I have picked tons of weeds, used my Round-Up, killed the ants, weeded most of the beds, MOWED THE LAWN (I know, don't faint) and even weed-whacked last night! They are looking really good but I still have tons of work to do.

It is so much fun to have my tikes outside with me. Especially since Zachary is a great helper now. Lots of times he tells me, "I need a job, Mommy." This usually results in him picking up the sticks (or losing interest, for that matter). I think the job he is really looking for is being the popsicle taste-tester, not stick removal.

He got a Power-Wheels John Deere tractor for his birthday. We went in on it with my parents and he loves it. I can hardly get him off of it. It can really pick up some speed when it is in second gear. At first we would only let him be in first because second goes so fast but he really needed to be able to shift it to get up the hill.

We put it in second gear.
Me: Okay, go!
Zachary: Okay. (takes off and races to the bottom of the hill at warp speed.) That was weird. (looks confused)

Yesterday we were out gardening and he was at it again. Elaina thinks it is hilarious to sit in the yard while Zachary circles her over and over. The problem is that he eventually circles in too far and hits her and knocks her over. Yesterday this happened about three times before I had to bring her inside.

Me: Zachary Ross! (runs to baby after she was knocked over by the tractor)
Zachary: Did she get hit by a car or something?


Zachary: I don't need a timeout.

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