Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Rainy Days

I have a headache. Maybe it is the weather, or maybe it is that Tim has been late two days in a row. Either way, the feeling of someone taking a jackhammer to my skull does not cease.

It has been rainy for three days and it has thrown me into a state of depression. I absolutely loath the fact that I cannot go outside and work in my garden. My hanging baskets are looking good; I just wish that I could have them out of my living room. I have blooms a-plenty inside my house. I can't wait to get these plants out of my dwelling and into the dirt. I am pretty sure that Elaina is about to start pooping pink and purple petals.

The kids are driving me nuts, and driving each other nuts. Pick, pick, pick. Pick, pick, pick.

Me: What are you doing to her?
Zachary: Bugging.
Me: Well stop it.
Zachary: She doesn't want to play my trains.
Me: Share.
Zachary: I don't need a timeout.

He is, of course, saying all of this while he is running around in nothing but his underwear. I am just so sick and tired of telling him, "Put your pants back on. Get your clothes on. Get your shirt on, put your pants BACK ON. Zachary....WHAT did I ask you to do?"

Zachary: Put my pants on.
Me: Then DO IT.
Zachary: I can't.

Fine then. Be naked. I really don't care at this point. As earlier stated, my head hurts, and Daddy better be on time tonight.

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