Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Older Woman

Okay, so I forgot that this was actually what I was going to blog about today, so, lucky you, you get two.

The funny thing is that as you get older, so do the people around you. I liked to think that my mother would always be a spring chicken, but as the years go by, my hopes are crushed.

Let me give you the rundown. First of all, she loves cream of wheat. I think that statement can stand alone.

She is also taking to the loving of one restaurant. By one restaurant, I mean that she likes to go there every time she goes out. That's right. You guessed it...Bob Evans. Almost the elderly equivalent of Bill Knapps or Old Country Buffet. What's even better is that she goes there for fish, baked potato and broccoli and even comments on the portion sizes. When she finishes with her dinner I pretty much push her out in her wheel chair and load her onto the bus to go back to "the home". (Don't worry, I wipe her face first.)

This weekend, I finally realized that it is over. My mother is old. While on the dance floor Saturday night, with her less than "hip" moves, she actually pulled her pedometer out of her pocket and said, "Yes! I am almost to 10,000 steps." Aging at its finest.

Love you, Mom!


Unknown said...

ROTFLMAO! I hope I don't seem that old to you...i am practically a spring chicken1

Melody said...

LOLOLOLOLOL!!! You are hilarious! Is your momma gonna take that? LOLOLOLOLOL!