Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Reindeer

Oh, Christmas is almost here. I can't deny the fact that I love this time of year; I just wish that the snow would be gone the day after. Well, maybe until the first of the year, but that is pushing it.

I am really looking forward to seeing the faces of my children on Christmas morning. Zachary has been being particularly helpful in hopes that Santa will bring him some goodies. Tim threatens to call Santa, but I'm like...psh...yeah, right. You don't have Santa's number. I'm not saying that he doesn't have a phone, I'm just sayin' that he certainly wouldn't be giving out his number to the general public. The damn thing would be ringing off the hook and he'd never get anything done. DUH.

Now, I know that in a previous blog I told you about my mother hitting a deer with her car. Zachary hasn't mentioned anything about it for a while now, but he certainly has a mind like a steel trap.

Last night...

Me: (singing) Grandma got run over by a reindeer...
Zachary: (looks at me)
Me: Did Grandma get run over by a reindeer?
Zachary: No, but Mimi's car did.

I burst out laughing when he said this. I can't believe he remembers that! It was weeks ago at this point! This just goes to show you, be careful what you say in front of your three-year-old.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Program

Life is changing all around us. Christmas is here, and the kids are now adjusting me working again. Finding a balance between cooking, cleaning, picking up and dropping off, working, being a wife and a successful business owner is proving to be harder than expected. Although so may call me a Jack-of-all-trades, it comes with it's costs.

I am exhausted and Elaina is having separation anxiety as of late. This falls somewhere between being one and having mommy back at work. Zachary is doing really well in school despite the fact that he is the youngest in his class. He did have quite a showing during his performance the other day.

It was the preschool Christmas program and the kids had learned a number of songs to share with all of the families. We all waited patiently for the kids to come into the room. They were all in a single-file line...until Zachary saw me. "MOMMY!!" And he came running full-force, plowed over sister and wrapped his arms around me. Now, I'm not saying I don't enjoy a great hug, but I was completely embarrassed by the fact that mine was the only child being unruly. I came to later realize that none of the parents were paying any attention, as they were all too enthralled in the likes of their own children, however, I remained red-cheeked.

Earlier in the day I had been changing Elaina's diaper when Zachary came over to check out the scene. He grabbed a wipe out of the dispenser and shoved it into his pocket.

Me: What are you doing?
Zachary: Saving this for later.
Me: Why?
Zachary: In case I need to wipe my nose.

After that, I had forgotten about the baby-wipe...until it made it's appearance. All of the preschoolers were lined up on the risers when the first song started. They all did the motions to the song, and sang. All but Zachary. Not a word. Not a peep, not a single sounds left his mouth. About a quarter of the way into the song he brought out the wipe. He started waving it around as though it was a flag. When it would get wrinkled up, he would put it down, and flatten it out for optimum flying potential. He continued to wave it around, high over his head for the duration of the program.

When all was said and done, I asked him...

Me: Why didn't you sing the songs?
Zachary: Because I was trying to listen to them.

And there you have it.

Later that day he decided to make a mess out of the cat food. Zachary love his cat. He loves that damn cat more than anything. The cat does not share the same appreciation for the boy, mostly because he is old, and Zachary squeezes him within an inch of his life so as not to let him "escape". The cat food was all over the floor when I said to him...

Me: Zachary, please clean up the cat food.
Zachary: Why?
Me: Because I don't want sister to eat it.
Zachary: Why?
Me: Because she isn't a cat.
Zachary: Oh yes, that is right. We are not cats, we are humans.

Later in the evening, Tim called. Unfortunately he had missed all of this excitement that I have been telling you about.

Tim: Hi, Zachary, what are you doing?
Zachary: Oh nothing. Just hanging out.

So I leave you with the age old question, where do they learn all of this?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Tiger

All is well at the homestead. All except the fact that Zachary has recently decided that he is the boss.

Zachary: No!
Me: You are NOT the boss. Who is the boss?
Zachary: We all can be the boss.
Me: No sir, you may not be the boss.
Zachary: But I like to be the boss.
Me: Then you will like to sit in timeout.
Zachary: But I don't like to be the boss.

This is pretty much daily. I am glad, however, that he is actually glad to see me after school at this point. His combination of mania and crankiness has subsided. I think his sister is relieved as well, mostly because she doesn't have to dodge any flying backpacks or leftover snacks upon his arrival.

Business is good. I am thoroughly enjoying my new job, and Zachary is thoroughly enjoying getting temporary tattoos. He thinks he is very fancy. He does not enjoy getting his face painted, mostly because he has to hold still for that. We tried to paint him as a tiger when I first started, but it quickly went awry with his talking, laughing and moving. I had to make so many "fixes" on his face that he ended up looking like he had two black eyes.

Elaina is doing really well. We took her in for her 15 month appointment yesterday. She always does really well with her shots. What can I say? Girls are tougher than boys. She gets her shot and only screams for a second; the minute she sees her sucker she's silent. It's a beautiful thing.

I am really enjoying this early Spring that we are experiencing. I am hoping that God forgot about Winter altogether...I am sure there is no such luck.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Deer

For me it's hit and miss in the blogging world. I'll be very on top of it for roughly a week, and then BOOM! Nothing. By this time, Mr. Bear has already had another "hot date" and my fingers didn't even have time to tell you about it. This time, he actually told the class "I took him on a hot date," to which the teacher replied, "It was very hot?" Upon reading that we had a bonfire, she concluded that it must have been what he was referring to, when in fact, it wasn't. He was sure that a "hot date" is what it meant when you take someone somewhere for fun.

Either way...I'm sorry it's been so long! I am, however, grateful that I get such positive feedback from this blog! It makes it totally worth writing, and so I thank all of you for that.

Next on the agenda is that I have started a new business. Shocking, I know, that I would start something new. Most of you are probably thinking that this will turn out to be another one of my "flings", but only time can tell. Maybe it will! Hopefully it won't. It's going well so far. It enjoy it very much and love what I am doing. It's stressful, but more of a good stress than bad. I go to work my first actual event last night and was rather successful. I am looking forward to the next.

I know that the Zachary stories are always everyone's favorite, so I have yet another that some of you may have not heard.

We stayed at my mom's house on Wednesday because I needed to work in Kalamazoo on Thursday morning. This was the conversation that took place on Thursday before leaving:

Zachary: Can I ride in your car?
Mimi: No, I need to go to work and my car is in the shop because it was hit by a deer.
Zachary: Was it one of Santa's deer?
Mimi: No, it was just a regular deer.
Zachary: What kind was it?
Mimi: It was just a girl deer.
Zachary: Was it the kind that like to get hit by cars?
Mimi: Yes, I suppose it was.

Where does he get this?! LOL I actually heard this entire conversation and couldn't help but laugh. Especially because at this point he is sure one of Santa's deer has been injured or killed on top of the fact that he knows if he doesn't be "good" that Santa won't come! I think he's pretty sure Christmas could be good or bad this year. He'd better shape up if he's planning on getting any presents. Santa and I go WAY back!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Bear

What a day. Preschool? Check. Headache? Check. At least Zachary isn't quite as grumpy today because he got to bring Mr. Bear home. Mr. Bear is the class "pet" that each child gets to bring home the night before their "special helper day". They are supposed to take him on an adventure of sorts, write about it in the Mr. Bear book and bring him back to school the next day.

Me: Zachary, are you excited that Mr. Bear is coming home with us?
Zachary: Yes!
Me: What are we going to do with him?
Zachary: I 'bout...take him on a hot date.

Instead, we took him to the park. We didn't want to take him anywhere too fancy for our first meeting. We don't want him to think it's serious.

Since I picked up the boy, the bear has not left his side. He even played football with Tim and Zachary in the back yard. He needs some practice on his catching, however.

Unfortunately, we had another incident with Zachary yesterday. Another week of preschool, another injury. I have been repeatedly telling him that he MUST wear shoes outside and he repeatedly fails to listen. I think he finally figured out that mom's know everything yesterday when he stepped on a rock and I found him standing in a pool of his own blood, screaming. Luckily he didn't need stitches. I was thinking that if I took him back to urgent care they were going to think that we don't actually have a family doctor. We are regulars over there, but my children only like to get injured after hours.

Off to make dinner.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The First Week of School

It has been a mad house over here! Elaina is teething and trying to give up her naps and Zachary has been going to school this week. It's like we are constantly on the move, and I can't say that I hate it.

We thought that Zachary had broken his finger on Tuesday night. He was out playing with his trains in the dirt when I heard him scream. He had tried to pick up a piece of flagstone that we have as ornamental stairs going down to the back yard and accidentally dropped it on his finger. It swelled up and turned purple, so off to urgent care we went. Luckily it wasn't broken and they sent us home. While we were there the nurse gave him a coloring book that had pictures of food it in. By this time he was feeling much better and told me, "Look, Mommy! Look at this picture of scrumptious lunch!" Scrumptious? Where does he hear these things?

He has really been enjoying going to school, but when I pick him up he is an absolute monster. Everyone keeps telling me it only gets worse. I guess when you have to be on your best behavior for three hours, it's time to let loose on your mom when you get home. It's hard to get any information out of him about school. He did tell us that the boy in the green shirt is very naughty because he turned on the phone, and that the boy in the bug shirt wouldn't share. It's been two days of school and that's all we know.

Yesterday I did my shopping while Elaina was at daycare and Zachary was in class. I did my normal ritual, starting at Aldi and then going to Meijer. (Mums are only 2.99 at Aldi right now!) I love going to Aldi because their checkers move at warp speed. Even if there are 10 people in line it doesn't take me more than a few minutes to finish with my order. Meijer was a different story. I swear, this woman was moving at the speed of nail growth. I have never been in a checkout line for 45 minutes until yesterday. This resulted in me being five minutes late to pick up Zachary and I was none too happy about that.

Last night my mom was here because she is working in Grand Rapids. After dinner she had her first encounter with the Backyardigans. Lucky her. It was the one where they are pretending to be vikings, but Zachary informed her that she could not be a viking because "Mimi, you do not have a biking hat." (Or a viking hat, for that matter.)

Well, that's all for today. Yay for the end of the week. Love to all.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Band-Aid

Yesterday was relatively good. The sun was shining and the weather was really enjoyable. The kids were pretty good other than the occasional spitting contest and throwing tiny rainbow-colored animals at each other, so I can't really complain. As earlier stated, it could always be worse.

We sat down and made our family rule list. Zachary is doing very well with it, mostly because he doesn't care much for sitting in timeout. We have tried spanking and it just doesn't work as well as sitting him in the naughty spot and not letting him be in control. He like to be in control...must have gotten it from his father.

Zachary and I have been having the battle of the band-aids. I bought two boxes a few weeks ago (the fabric kind) and he seems to think that he needs one on every appendage. Every time I walk into the bathroom it's like a band-aid grenade has gone off. How do they get all over everything? It's like he was running around and around and couldn't catch himself to stick them on. Instead he catches all of the inanimate objects in the bathroom and covers up their imaginary boo-boos.

It was around 8:00 last night when Tim went to put the dirt mongrel in the bath. I was cleaning up the kitchen when I heard...

Tim: Liz! Get in here now and look at this!
Me: What?
Tim: Look at your son. Do you notice anything out of the ordinary?

There stood Zachary, buck naked with - you guessed it - his penis wrapped up in a band-aid. Here is the best part. You know how when you wrap up your finger in a band-aid it doesn't quite fit so it makes a little point on the end? Well, Mr. Pointy Penis he was. It was quite a sight. I laughed and laughed and immediately tried to think of people I could call and share the humor with.

Me: Zachary, you need to take that off.
Zachary: I don't want to take it off
Me: Well, you need to.
Zachary: Okay! (goes to rip it off) OW!
Me: Okay, we need to get it off there.
Zachary: Okay, Mommy. I will do it because I need to do it very gently.

Moral of the story - never wrap your penis up tightly in a band-aid.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Fruity Pebbles

It's been an exciting ride lately, and by exciting I actually mean exhausting. I was seriously considering selling my son on E-bay last Friday. Well, I don't know if I can actually call it selling since I was going to pay someone to take him. I was one "why?" away from insanity. I continue to reassure myself that "things could be worse!"

As usual, Tim is still finding ways to wrench my nerves. Much to his dismay, I have to share this in hopes that it will make him refrain from doing it. Let me start by saying that we have one bathroom. One, and only one, and it is one thing on a long list of many that I don't love about this house. It is rather smallish and the toilet sits relatively close to the tub. Now, in the evening I love nothing more than soaking in a hot bath, but for some reason Timothy's bowels think that my bathing is the perfect time to let loose. Actually, it doesn't matter what time of day it is. Morning, noon, or nighty-night, his bowels always respond accordingly to me in the bath. The MINUTE I get into the tub, it's time. "Seriously? You didn't know that you had to go two minutes ago before I got into the tub?" Have I mentioned I am raising three kids?

On another note, I felt my true age the other day. For some reason we were talking about the Flintstones when my Uncle Joe said, "You know, I bed my kids don't even know who the Flintstones are." I couldn't believe that it could be true, so I turned to my 10 year old cousin, Kyla.

Me: Do you know who the Flintstones are?
Kyla: Yeah! I know who they are.
Her Mom: Like Pebbles and Bam-Bam? You know them?
Kyla: Duh, yeah, I know them.
Me: So you can sing the song?
Kyla: No. I eat their cereal.

The fact that this child thinks that the Flintstones came about just to pose on a box of Fruity Pebbles makes me feel less than young.

I am so glad that the Fall weather has finally rolled around. I am enjoying it very much and so are my kids. Of course, we all know that Zachary would live outside if I would allow it, but Elaina cannot stand the heat. She is very happy that she can get outside now to enjoy her daily intake of wood chips.

Zachary just found the band-aids so I must go and de-mummify him. Here's to a happy Monday. Cheers!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Boss

We recently started with the, "I don't wike her wookin' at me," and "I don't wike her waughing and me." Ugh. The drama. He is definitely getting quite the attitude which is resulting in many a timeout.

He likes to think that he is in charge. The other day at dinner, Elaina was throwing her food (as usual).

Me: Zachary, you need to eat your bread.
Zachary: Laina is throwing her food.
Me: How about I'll be in charge of Laina, and you be in charge of eating your bread.
Zachary: How about I'll be in charge of Laina, and you be in charge of eating my bread.

They normally get along pretty well, but I think that is because she pretty much does what he tells her. It's when she doesn't listen that things to awry.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Red Light

We have been learning about "stop" and "go" lately. It started when Zachary was asking why we were stopping in the car. We explained that you stop on red and go on green. The other day we were on our way down to my Mom's and were coming off of 131 in Schoolcraft. The light turned yellow and I went through.

Zachary: Um, that was red.
Me: No, it was yellow and I didn't think I could stop safely, so I kept going.
Zachary: Well, next time you need to be careful.

Shortly after that we were headed through Vicksburg when we passed the cemetery.

Zachary: That is a LOT of bricks.

Where does he come up with this stuff? Although I guess it really is a lot of bricks.

He has been arguing with Elaina recently. By arguing, I mean she grabs the remote and turns off his show and he screams at her. This makes her cry, and he knows that the crying will be shortly followed by scolding. To try and calm her down he tells her, "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....twinkle, twinkle, little star..." and proceeds to sing while trying to get her to stop having her fit.

Yesterday while they were playing toys she took something from him and he got very frustrated. He looked at her and she started babbling saying "da, da, da, da" to which he replied, "Laina! I am NOT your DADDY!"

Tim and I cracked up.

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Coloring Contest

I figured that I would sit down and do something productive at nap time today rather than just rotting my brain playing facebook games. Lucky for you, the desire for accomplishment resulted in a blog.

Not much has happened today. I cleaned up the dining room and scrubbed a few stains out of the carpeting and did the dishes. It wasn't exactly our smartest move to carpet the (what is now) dining room, but at the time we made the decision it was still a den. Hind sight is 20/20 I guess.

It's a beautiful day with no humidity and yet I can't find the motivation to go outside. I'd rather just be relaxing and cleaning my house. It seems worth it to me since having a clean house feels as good as winning the lottery. Well, a scratch-off anyways. Better than a one dollar scratcher, though. Maybe more like winning $20 on a scratcher.

I blew up some pictures of my kids. Not like with a bomb, but like I sent them to Cost-co and had 16x20's printed. I have one of each of them hanging over the back of my couch and I love it. It's wonderful to see their faces so life-sized and...quiet. It's amazing.

I forgot to mention that a few weeks ago Zachary won a major award. During the balloon festival (in Battle Creek) we went to Arlene's Truck Stop for breakfast with my grandparents. They are regulars and we like to tag along when we are in town. They were having a coloring contest and I asked if I could participate. They told me I could help my son. (Any of you who know me know that I am always in for a good competition.) Come to find out, Zachary is EXCELLENT at drawing and coloring and actually WON the contest! He gets a free ice cream the next time he goes in. I am so proud. :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Day Off

It's amazing how much a "day off" from children will rejuvenate me. This morning I am feeling full of energy. Beautiful day, great to be alive.

I made a trade with my dear friend Debbie. Babysitting for house cleaning. She even kept them over night! It was fabulous to have a date with my husband, even though I ended up losing some points on my diet for drinking margaritas. Every point was worth it. Now, this morning, I am relaxing, I am not cleaning the house, and I am not doing laundry. I am enjoying the peace and quiet. The mess will still be there tomorrow, and a moment of sanity is a rare and precious jewel.

On the way down yesterday Zachary had a peach for breakfast. I offered to cut it up for him and take the pit out, but he resisted. I wanted it "big". We got into the car and he took two bites and told me he was done. I asked why he didn't eat it. He told me it was because there was poop in it. I assured him that there was no poop and that it was just a pit, but he insisted that there was poop inside and he needed to throw it out the window. I don't know if it was the poop or the excitement of throwing something out the window, but sometimes you have to choose your battles. I rolled down the window, turned up the radio and counted down the seconds to my freedom. Life is good.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Stickers

When you have a son like Zachary, there is always more to tell. Without further ado…I present more escapades in the life and times of the McClelland children.
The other day Timothy, Elaina and I were sitting in the living room while Zachary was playing with his stickers in the dining room. He collected three of his favorites and brought them in to us.

Zachary: Here’s one for you, Mommy.
Me: Thank you, Zachary.
Zachary: Here’s one for you, Daddy.
Daddy: Thank you, Zachary.
Zachary: And one for me.
Me: Um, aren’t you forgetting someone?
Zachary: :::looks around::: Who? My cat?
Me: No…
Zachary: Oh, you mean ‘Laina? She eats stickers.

It made me feel slightly better that it wasn’t that he had forgotten her but that he had a logical reason to not include her.

He ratted out his grandpa a few weeks ago. I swear that he doesn’t forget anything. Unfortunately for Papa Mark, times have changed since Tim and his brothers were kids and the little people are not allowed to ride in the front anymore. In all fairness, he didn't know, but we still thought it was funny the way Zachary brought it up.

Zachary: I rode in the front.
Me: When?
Zachary: With Papa Mark.
Me: When?
Zachary: On the way to the party.
Me: No, you didn't. You sit in the back seat only.
Zachary: No, I rode in the front and it wasn't even dangerous.
Me: Then where did Grandma ride?
Zachary: In the back with my sister.
Me: Tell me the truth.
Zachary: I am telling the truth. I rode in the front. It wasn't dangerous, Mommy.

I am so glad he could reassure me...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Spaghetti-O's

It's only 12:51 and I am already starting a countdown to 5 o'clock somewhere. I did recently list my son for sale on Facebook. If you are interested, please visit my profile. I am exhausted which is partially my own fault because I am addicted to Pawn Stars on the History Channel. What can I say? I love old stuff.

Zachary told me he wanted Spaghetti-O's for lunch. I got out a can. "No, I want cereal." "You already said Spaghetti-O's." Tantrum. I made the Spaghetti-O's. I bring them to the table and he takes them into the living room while I am outside trying to sell a stroller to a girl. I come in. "Mommy, I spilled them on the carpet." The white carpet. "This is why we don't eat in the living room, take it to the table NOW." He picks up the bowl and what is left (about half a can of Spaghetti-O's) and starts to walk to the dining room, slips, falls, O's are everywhere. All over the floors, on the walls, covering the refrigerator and all over his feet. He stands up, having a tantrum, and slips in them and is now covered in sauce. Meanwhile, wakes up the baby who had JUST fallen asleep and he continues to scream. It was like conducting an orchestra. I don't know who writes this music, but I could use something a little more low-key.

One of those days.

The Barking

Everything is going fairly well over here in the McClelland home. There are good days and bad, but you will have that when you combine a hormonal woman, a little boy who barks a lot, a one year old and a Daddy that works too much.

I will tell you one thing; two ain't got nothin' on three. If I survive this year of Zachary's life it will be a miracle. The attitude is making a serious appearance and resulting in many a timeout. The barking. O-M-G. If he barks again I think I may reach down his throat and rip out his voice box. "RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUFF!" This is his way of saying, "I don't like that you are telling me what to do," or, "Elaina, get off my toys." He mostly barks at his sister because it scares her, and she backs off from whatever they are playing with so she can cry.

Me: Enough barking, NOW.
Zachary: I want to bark.
Me: Then do it quietly.
Zachary: No, I want to do it loudly.
Me: Then you can have a face smack.

Attitude at its finest. Don't get me wrong, he is a very good boy, he just loves to push my buttons.

I realized this morning that I have created a sort of monster. We were playing Memory Match and I was getting rather frustrated with him because he didn't want to pay attention and continued to choose the same two cards EVERY turn, but then would get angry if I would get a match. When we finished, this is how it went:

Zachary: Now we can play another game!
Me: No, Mommy is frustrated. We will play another game later.
Zachary: I want to play another game now.
Me: Not right now, I am frustrated because you can't pay attention.
Zachary: (and I quote) Well, that is a shock.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Beginning of Summer

I thought terrible two's were bad, but two ain't got nothin' on three. Between the attitude, selective listening and tantrums, it's proving to be quite a ride.

It hasn't been long since my last blog and still I come bearing stories aplenty. There is never a dull moment around here.

The other day I took the kids to the pool. It was a great day and the kids were exhausted by the end of it. When it came time to pick up the toys, Zachary wouldn't participate which scored him a timeout.

Me: You are in timeout for not helping pick up toys. Three minutes.
Zachary: I need to go potty.
Me: Then you can wait until you finish your timeout. If you pee your pants, I'll spank your butt.
Zachary: :::whips out penis while in timeout and pees onto the sidewalk while sitting there:::
My grandma: Well, at least he listened. You said don't pee your pants.

Another good one happened on Sunday at the pool. My cousin Ethan started sneezing and my mom said, "Bless you!" Right after that Zachary started saying, "A-shoo! A-shoo! A-shoo!" My mom said, "Bless you, Zachary!" Zachary said, "Now you say, A-sock!" I wasn't present for this one, but I came out to Aunt Colleen rolling on the sidewalk laughing.

Just this morning he decided to try my patience. He ate his yogurt while sitting on the couch and left it sitting on the arm.

Me: Zachary, please take care of your yogurt.
Zachary: ::walks over, moves yogurt, comes back::
Me: Where did your yogurt go? Did you throw it away?
Zachary: No, I put it behind the cushion so you wouldn't see it.

It's going to be a long summer.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Popsicles

Today I am purging (again). I love it. I get such a feeling of cleanliness. Tim is going to be out of town for the week and I need to feel accomplished, therefore, we start with the laundry room. I warned him two days ago.

Me: If you don't go through your t-shirts, when you return, half of them will be gone.
Him: Well, I will just go through the pile you leave.
Me: No, they will be gone. Not here. At Goodwill.
Him: Okay, I'll do it.
Me: No you won't.
Him: Yes, I will.

So, he didn't do it. Surprise! Needless to say, the shirts have been weeded and are in the back of the van ready to go to Goodwill. I don't understand why we have to save every t-shirt that we acquired during our school years. I am not kidding you when I say that he has his kindergarten t-shirt. Yes, that's right folks...he's a hoarder.

I spent the past hour cleaning out the laundry room while Zachary spent the last hour eating popsicles. He thought he was sneaking them, but there just comes a time when letting him eat a box full of frozen sugar is worth it to have some quiet time. Totally worth it. :::smiles:::

Elaina is down for a nap. She has been a feisty one lately. We went out for ice cream last night and you would have thought we gave each child a 20 oz of Mountain Dew for the car ride home. It was a roller coaster of emotions. The kids were buzzin'.

She said her first actual words this morning. "Bye bye" (while waving). I can't believe she is saying "bye-bye" before she is saying Mama. Not that she can't say mama, she just won't.

The other night at dinner...

Elaina: (very quietly) mama, mama, mama
Me: What? Yay, Laina! MAMA!
Elaina: BA-BA! Pa-Pa! DA-DA-DA-DA!
Me: Mama!
Elaina: DADA!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Sunny Day

It's a great day. Zachary just helped himself to a 12 cup bowl of watermelon and Elaina loves batteries. Seriously, she can sniff them out like nothing I have ever seen. It doesn't help that Zachary's trains go through them like water. Then he just leaves them on the floor. I know, you're shocked.

We have done so much since we woke up this morning. Lots of firsts. First farmer's market trip of the season. We ended up with watermelon, asparagus, tomatoes, cookies and a tomato plant. There was even a man strummin' his ole banjo. I asked him if he was in the kitchen with Dinah, and he just looked at me like I was crazy. Okay, I made that last part up, but he really did have a banjo.

It was so beautiful out this afternoon that we also had our first encounter with the sprinkler. Zachary was less than impressed with the fact that the water was giving him hypothermia, so we went on a hunt for his pool so we could fill it and let it warm in the sun. I found it in the top of the garage and it is too big for me to get it down by myself. I found the sled in the backyard and filled that up with water instead. I told him it would have to do until daddy gets home. He told me. "Why? All you need is a ladder." I guess it makes me feel good that he thinks I'm supermom, but this supermom isn't risking her life for a kiddie pool.

When we came in the house for lunch, he had stripped out of his shorts and spent a couple of hours in the nude. Once he finished, he got one his fireman rain boots and his metallic blue helmet (yes, that's all) and told me he was going back for more swimming. I told him that I thought some shorts would be a good idea.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Older Woman

Okay, so I forgot that this was actually what I was going to blog about today, so, lucky you, you get two.

The funny thing is that as you get older, so do the people around you. I liked to think that my mother would always be a spring chicken, but as the years go by, my hopes are crushed.

Let me give you the rundown. First of all, she loves cream of wheat. I think that statement can stand alone.

She is also taking to the loving of one restaurant. By one restaurant, I mean that she likes to go there every time she goes out. That's right. You guessed it...Bob Evans. Almost the elderly equivalent of Bill Knapps or Old Country Buffet. What's even better is that she goes there for fish, baked potato and broccoli and even comments on the portion sizes. When she finishes with her dinner I pretty much push her out in her wheel chair and load her onto the bus to go back to "the home". (Don't worry, I wipe her face first.)

This weekend, I finally realized that it is over. My mother is old. While on the dance floor Saturday night, with her less than "hip" moves, she actually pulled her pedometer out of her pocket and said, "Yes! I am almost to 10,000 steps." Aging at its finest.

Love you, Mom!

The Personal Heater

Good morning. I am having some coffee and trying to get motivated. The plan is to take my kids to the sitter and get some grocery shopping done. We are pretty much living off animal crackers and fruit roll-ups at this point.

I am so glad that I got so much done yesterday as far as planting goes. I wish it were Wednesday so I could go to the farmer's market. I just love it and I am planning on getting my veggies tomorrow (to plant). Last year Tim and I had a competition and he tried to grow his from seeds. I'll let you guess who won...but I am pretty sure that I already blogged about that.

The beast just woke up. We are trying to break the habit of him getting in our bed each night. We always have good intentions, but it's a lot easier to say that we will take him back to his bed at 10:00 before we fall asleep than it is at 2:00 am when he actually gets in. Part of me knows that they grow up too quickly and loves having him for my personal heater, but the other part doesn't like the fact that I start feeling like the hunchback of Notre Dame. My mom said to start making him a little bed on the floor and telling him that he can lay there. It's a great idea, but that would involve purging all the junk from my room. Ugh. Maybe some more coffee first.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Toad

Ugh, Monday. Monday's make me tired because I take Zachary to swimming. Sitting in the sauna-like atmosphere drains me of any energy that I otherwise would have had. I feel like I could slip into a coma right next to the pool. I always have good intentions of being productive, but it seems that it always results in a nap.

Today I have held out so far. I had plants to put into my garden and wanted to get it done before the rain comes today. We found a toad and Zachary carried it around for awhile until he got hungry. Then he told me that he needed some macaroni and cheese to eat outside. I came inside to start lunch while he drove his trains through the birdbath, toad in hand. I heard him start screaming and, much to my dismay, he had tipped over the top of the bath onto my lilies. Ugh.

He does love toads much more than he did last year. We found one at my mom's on Saturday and he was all about it. He carried it around for awhile until I saw him squeezing it a little. I told him that the toad would be happier in a bucket. He put him in with some grass and watched him for a little bit. When I noticed he had lost interest, I asked him if he was done with his toad.

Zachary: Yes
Me: Okay, then we need to take him over the field and let him go.
Zachary: (picks up toad) Over there? (points)
Me: Yes, carefully. Don't squeeze him.
Zachary: (VERY carefully carries the toad to the field.)
Me: Okay, put him down very gently.
Zachary: Okay.

At this point he puts his arm down as if he is going to put the toad on the ground, when I suddenly realize that it's actually him winding up. You guessed it. Sail toad. He threw the toad underhand out into the field. I'm pretty sure it fell from about 12 feet.

Me: Do you think the toad will be okay?
My Mom: Um.....yeah. I'm sure it will. Toads fly all the time.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Rainy Days

I have a headache. Maybe it is the weather, or maybe it is that Tim has been late two days in a row. Either way, the feeling of someone taking a jackhammer to my skull does not cease.

It has been rainy for three days and it has thrown me into a state of depression. I absolutely loath the fact that I cannot go outside and work in my garden. My hanging baskets are looking good; I just wish that I could have them out of my living room. I have blooms a-plenty inside my house. I can't wait to get these plants out of my dwelling and into the dirt. I am pretty sure that Elaina is about to start pooping pink and purple petals.

The kids are driving me nuts, and driving each other nuts. Pick, pick, pick. Pick, pick, pick.

Me: What are you doing to her?
Zachary: Bugging.
Me: Well stop it.
Zachary: She doesn't want to play my trains.
Me: Share.
Zachary: I don't need a timeout.

He is, of course, saying all of this while he is running around in nothing but his underwear. I am just so sick and tired of telling him, "Put your pants back on. Get your clothes on. Get your shirt on, put your pants BACK ON. Zachary....WHAT did I ask you to do?"

Zachary: Put my pants on.
Me: Then DO IT.
Zachary: I can't.

Fine then. Be naked. I really don't care at this point. As earlier stated, my head hurts, and Daddy better be on time tonight.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Toots

This morning I was checking my e-mail and drinking my coffee when I heard..

Zachary: You are BISGUSTING! That is BISGUSTING, Laina! BisGUSTING, Laina! That is so BISGUSTING!

Me: What did Elaina do?

Zachary: She is TOOTING!

Of course, she thought it was hilarious, as all babies do.

They are becoming quite the pair. Elaina thinks that Zachary is hilarious, which doesn't help anything. Especially when we are in the car and Zachary is "tooting his whistle" as loud as he possibly can. That would be yelling "WOOOOOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! WOOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm a TRAIN!"

Me: You need to keep your whistle down. Not so loud.
Zachary: (not listening) WOOOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOOOO!
Elaina: :::laughing hysterically:::
Me: Zachary! Do you need me to pull this van over?
Zachary: No.


Zachary: wooo, wooo.

I think in some ways he misses his dog. Well, actually, just in one way, and that is the fact that his sister won't fetch.

Zachary: Ready....a-set, GO! :::throws the little football::: Laina....GO....
Elaina: :::sits in the middle of the floor and claps:::
Zachary: GOOOO, Laina!
Elaina: ::laughs::
Zachary: ::Goes and gets the ball:: Ready, a-set, GO! ::throws it::: Go GET it, Laina. (pause) GO!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Tractor

I've been doing really well on my garden this year. I have picked tons of weeds, used my Round-Up, killed the ants, weeded most of the beds, MOWED THE LAWN (I know, don't faint) and even weed-whacked last night! They are looking really good but I still have tons of work to do.

It is so much fun to have my tikes outside with me. Especially since Zachary is a great helper now. Lots of times he tells me, "I need a job, Mommy." This usually results in him picking up the sticks (or losing interest, for that matter). I think the job he is really looking for is being the popsicle taste-tester, not stick removal.

He got a Power-Wheels John Deere tractor for his birthday. We went in on it with my parents and he loves it. I can hardly get him off of it. It can really pick up some speed when it is in second gear. At first we would only let him be in first because second goes so fast but he really needed to be able to shift it to get up the hill.

We put it in second gear.
Me: Okay, go!
Zachary: Okay. (takes off and races to the bottom of the hill at warp speed.) That was weird. (looks confused)

Yesterday we were out gardening and he was at it again. Elaina thinks it is hilarious to sit in the yard while Zachary circles her over and over. The problem is that he eventually circles in too far and hits her and knocks her over. Yesterday this happened about three times before I had to bring her inside.

Me: Zachary Ross! (runs to baby after she was knocked over by the tractor)
Zachary: Did she get hit by a car or something?


Zachary: I don't need a timeout.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Yogurt

I am sick. It's official. And, of course, its on the night that my husband is working late.

For some reason Zachary wants to eat lots of ice cubes today. I can't figure out why, but he just keeps asking for them. Maybe he thinks it's the next best thing to a Popsicle, of which we have none. He also wants to watch "Serious George." Normally we tape most of his shows, but that is one that we haven't set up yet. I remember being young and thinking about how cool it would be if you could rewind your favorite show or stop it and watch it anytime you wanted to. At this point my son is convinced that PBS is Clifford on demand.

Elaina is sleeping, as usual. Eight months old and still a toothless wonder. She does love to eat though. Last night was her first try with beans. They were a hit. Needless to say, both of the hooligans ended up in the bath, covered in pintos. She didn't eat too much because Zachary took it upon himself to feed her an entire yogurt about an hour before dinner...while she was in her walker. Yogurt here, there and everywhere, but mostly on Elaina. She was covered. Zachary told me, "She missed a little" but that he did it all by himself. "Nayna is hungry, she is eating her dinners." She was as happy as can be, smacking her gums with every spoonful. She wasn't too happy, however, when it was gone.

Well, Mr. Man is helping himself to the freezer, so I'd better run. Chat soon.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Bird Seeds

Life is good. The sun is shining. I can't complain. Everyone in my house is pretty much healed. Elaina's pink eye keeps coming and going. We thought it was gone and it started again yesterday. Go figure.

Zachary told me the other day the Christmas is coming.

Zachary: Christmas is coming soon.
Me: It is?
Zachary: Yeah, Santa is coming.
Me: Why do you need Santa to come?
Zachary: Because he brings presents.
Me: Well, Christmas isn't until December, but Easter is coming. That is when the Easter Bunny comes.
Zachary: He does?
Me: Yes, he brings eggs and candy in a basket.
Zachary: I can't wait for the rooster bunny to come! We'll give him some seeds.

He's had seeds on the mind. I filled up the bird feeder the other day, per his request, and said, "Zachary, look what's in the bird feeder." "It's bird food," he said. "Yeah, who eats bird food?" I asked. His response? "Well, I used to when I was a bird."

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Saga Continues

Yesterday, I finally got some much needed rest: mentally and physically that is. When we woke up in the morning we were a sick-free household. No fevers or coughing, no running noses or crusty eyes. It was an act of GOD and I was so excited to get my day off. I called Kathie to see if she would keep the kids and immediately rushed them over upon her approval. Over the river and through the woods to sanity we went. I dropped them off (or shall I say that I practically threw them from the van as I drove by) and came back home to enjoy a four hour nap. Ahhhh...... :) So nice.

I made it into town to pick up my pictures and then home for a couple games of Bejeweled Blitz before going to pick up my hoodlums. All I can say is that it's a good thing I enjoyed that day off.

When I got there, Kathie said, "I hate to tell you this. I think Elaina has pink-eye." I am pretty sure that I nearly burst into tears. Then it hit me. Maybe when God is trying to tell me something I should be a better listener. He finally caught my attention and I realized that I was not giving the response he was looking for. All of this time I have been thinking, "God, what do you want from me?!" Not that I was truly asking, mostly because I knew the answer. It's very easy for me to miss church and do what I want instead of what I should be doing. It's much easier for me to say, "don't worry God, I have this under control." God laughs. It's as if he is saying, "Okay...I will be here when you need me." And he laughs and knows that it will be soon. Being the ultimate parent that he is, he lets me go and go until I finally figure it out for myself. So, I am happy to report that I am on a healthier spiritual road as of late than I most recently have been. My goal is to have Elaina baptized before her first birthday.

On top of God trying to speak to me through my children, he also directed me to a book that was truly uplifting and moving. It's called "Left to Tell" and was written by Immaculee Ilibagiza. It's a true story written by a woman who survived the Rwandan holocaust. It made me realize that whatever I am going through, I should turn to God. If she can do it while being forced to hide out in a 3 ft by 4 ft bathroom with 7 other women for 3 months, I certainly can while living in comfort and safety.

The other day a friend and I were talking about doing things that help us "find ourselves." I have concluded that you never actually "find" yourself, but that the search is what keeps you motivated to be a good and honest person: a person who listens to God when he speaks.

God and I had a good laugh together today. I found out the dog has pink eye. Go figure.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Pity Party

I can't wait for Spring to get here. I am so looking forward to working in my garden with my tots. It is going to be great fun. I love going to the greenhouse and coming home to work in the dirt, and enjoy the beauty while grilling and spending the evenings with my family. I love when the sun stays up later. When it gets dark so early in the Winter, Zachary often asks why the sun is sleeping. And just when I thought that Spring was nearly here, and we had a very nice weekend which was not too cold, KABLAMMY...snow storm. I need to get out of dodge and back to somewhere warm. If I could just have Michigan Summers year round, that would be great.

We are now on our fourth week of sickness around here. It started on a Thursday, what seems like an eternity ago, and is still happening as we speak. Flu-like first, then pink-eye, then pink-eye again, then RSV for Elaina, now RSV for Zachary and me. They say that it can last up to two weeks. I am tired of this house, and I am tired of my babies not feeling well. I am tired of cancelling any and all plans that have been made due to the illness flowing freely throughout my house. I am tired of missing swimming and not being able to take my kids to Kathie's. I must escape the madness. I 'veel' not survive. If I do happen to survive, hopefully I will be able to blog again soon. For now, I have a mess of trains to clean up. You're shocked, I know. :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Nutritionist and the Broccoli

We finally brought a new member into our family. We adopted a dog named Sasha, and she is so much fun. A true joy to have around. We even had a trainer come in and she was very impressed with Sasha. We are pretty sure that she was once trained, and now just needs some brushing up. It really makes my life very easy! She even does well in the yard which is not fenced. She stays right with us and loves to play ball and Frisbee. We are so excited to take her to the beach this summer.

I know that the tales of Zachary-land have not been posted recently, and so I figured I would give you a few morsels today.

Yesterday we went to see the nutritionist and she asked Zachary what kinds of food he likes to eat.

Zachary: French fries!
Her: You do? What else?
Zachary: French fries!
Her: What other foods do you eat?
Zachary: French toast!
Her: Oh, you like any other foods?
Me: Tell her about what kinds of fruit you like to eat.
Zachary: Fruit snacks!
Me: What other fruit? What about strawberries?
Zachary: I only like to eat apples out of the garage.


I find this very interesting since I can't even keep fresh fruit in the house. He actually ate seven tangerines in one day a few weeks ago. It is constantly grapes, strawberries, pineapple, oranges...etc... Whatever he can get his hands on. We went through 10 lbs of bananas in a weekend. No joke.

As for today, it's been a good one already. Well, good for you anyway, since you get to reap the benefits of my messes. I took a rest on the couch, only to wake up and find two entire heads of broccoli shredded into trees that were being used as a forest for his trains.

Me: Zachary, what is this? (pointing to the broccoli)
Zachary: (pauses....) A MESS!
Me: Clean it up. Now.

I went downstairs to start a load of laundry right after this. We keep our folded laundry on our large laundry table that we have set up in the laundry room. He had taken his arm and cleared off half of the laundry. But what's wrong with that? He needed it to break his fall when he was going down his slide. Clearly, it was a necessity. Now all of the clean laundry was mixed with the dirty. Needless to say, I made him sit in timeout until I was finished cleaning it up.

What else will this day bring?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Shots :(

A whole week of no posts. It's been a rather long one. I am desperately waiting for Friday.

We had a great day on Monday when we went to swim. Zachary is really liking it. I, on the other hand, need a new bathing suit before the chicks leave the nest, if you know what I mean. It's my pre-baby suit which fits in all areas except ...the nest. Good thing that the stores have their Spring break stuff out now. I haven't found one that I like as of yet, but hopefully soon.

Tim is wishing for snow and I am hating him for it. It is pure evil to do that to me. I have been enjoying this winter for the most part. The vitamin D is helping with the depression and we haven't had as much snow as usual. Well, I say usual, but really it's just that the past two years we have been pounded. Someone said yesterday that Spring is only about 60 days away. I am really looking forward to gardening this year. It should be great with my two little gnomes to help.

Elaina had he six month appointment on Tuesday. She had her shots, and has pretty much recovered. My poor girl had a fever. I hate that but it is necessary. This is where I get on my soap box and say, "IMMUNIZE!"

Other than that, I am excited to try a new recipe this weekend. We are making "pudding shots". My Aunt Betsee gave me the recipe. We are also making some jell-o shots that sounds uber-scrumptious.

Pudding Shots
1 sm pkg instant pudding
3/4 c milk
1/4 c vodka - flavored to taste
1/2 c irish cream
8 oz extra creamy cool whip

Mix pudding and milk for a couple of minutes with an electric mixer, then add alcohol, mix well. Mix in Cool Whip. Then you can freeze them, but you don't have to. Makes about 50 shots. (Or, you could just eat it out of the bowl like a giant dessert.)

She said that the Jell-o shots were the best. Pineapple Jell-o with coconut rum. Oh-la-la. I can't wait.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Swim Class

Yesterday was Zachary's first Mommy and me swim class! It was so exciting. We go to the YMCA near us (otherwise known as the closest one, which is 20 minutes away). Elaina went to the daycare which was completely full of babies. Babies, babies, everywhere. It was a mad house! It was a Monday, and it is right after the New Year. It's busy for now but I am thinking the resolutions will die off quickly.

It was so wonderful to spend some one-on-one time with my son. I loved it, and he was so well behaved. I think we both enjoyed it equally. We did 'the wheels on the bus' and the kids went up and down, and the wheels went round and round, and the horn went splash, splash, splash. It was great. There are five children in the class, and of course, mine was the best. He even jumped into the water by himself (with a float belt on) and, after applause, did it again! I was so proud and we were both exhausted. I even took a two hour nap yesterday.

One thing we did during the class was play with sink toys. They were cut into the shape of animals and Zachary got the hippo. She had them put the sink toy down on the steps and they had to reach down to pick it up, putting their ear and cheek in the water. That was his favorite part. After that, during all of the other activities, all I heard was, "I need the hippo. I wanna play that hippo. I need him, mommy. I need the hippo." The teacher (Miss K.) let him give the hippo a ride on his belly while he was floating on his back. It was very exciting.

What a great day in mommy-land. What will today bring? Hopefully a clean house.

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Very Stinky Story

Me: You stink. Did you toot?
Zachary: No Mommy, I farted.
Me: No, we don't say farted, we say tooted.
Zachary: But I farted.
Me: But we say tooted.
Zachary: Daddy's says farted.
Me: But you say tooted. Daddy says tooted.
Zachary: No he don't. Daddy says farted.
Me: No, no one should say farted. You tooted.
Zachary: No I didn't. I farted.

Three minutes later...

Zachary: ::rips a big one::
Me: Zachary, did you toot again?
Zachary: No Mommy, I didn't.
Me: Was it Elaina?
Zachary: No, it was me. I farted.

The Rock and the Song

It's a great morning thus far. Elaina just went down for her first nap of the day, Zachary is 'playing his trains' and I am getting a cup of coffee and having some time to blog, just for you. Fun times for all!

Zachary finally stayed in his own bed last night. It was wonderful. He did come get me up at about 8:30, but who can complain about that? I mean, don't get me wrong, I was complaining to myself in my head when he did it because I was wanting more sleep, but still. Miss Elaina Rose has been enjoying her sleep as well. She gets up a little in the morning hours wanting her paci, but that's really about it. She doesn't force me to get her out of the bed until about 8 or 8:30, so that is nice.

There isn't much to talk about today. Last night, I asked Zachary if he was tired.

Zachary: No.
Me: Yes you are.
Zachary: No I'n not.
Me: Yes you are.
Zachary: No I'n not.
Me: Tell me the truth. Are you tired?
Zachary: Yes I'n tired. I needa song. I needa be rocked.

As much as I want him to fall asleep in his bed, by himself, I know that there aren't that may precious moments left. I mean, really, how long does your child want you to rock them and sing them a song? I just imagine myself 10 years from now, longing for it. So I do it. And every night I sing 'tinkle tinkle' and 'wock-bye baby' and it's a great end to a long day.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Continuation of the Late Night Potty

Is it bad that this has been going on now for four days? I can't help myself. Every time he comes upstairs and says he needs to pee, I just burst out laughing. I don't even know what to do at this point. I say, "then go..." and he goes in, squeezes out one or two drops of pee and goes back downstairs. Not to bed, of course, which is where he is supposed to be going.

The other night this happened and he went downstairs and we heard the train bucket being emptied. I gave it a few minutes, and went down. Light was on, trains everywhere. I'm like, where did he go? Just then, he peeks ever so slightly out of his bedroom door. "Hi Mommy."

Me: "Hi Zachary. What are you doing?"
Zachary: "Just being in my bed"
Me: "Oh, you are?"
Zachary: "And playing my trains."
Me: "Get in bed, now"

Lord only knows how long this will last. It does continue to get shorter and shorter each night, but is still happening. Even when we give him a good bedtime routine, that is. The other night I actually read seven books. It started out like this:

Zachary: I need the James book.
Me: We don't have a James book. (thinking he wants a book about James from Thomas the train)
Zachary: Yes, I need it. I need the James book.
Me: We don't have one.
Zachary: Yes we have one.
Me: No, you can choose from these ones.
Zachary: I want the James one.
Me: Zachary, you have to choose one of these ones (holds up 3 books)
Zachary: This one (points to the Snowman Storybook)
Me: (begins to read) In the morning, James woke....oh. This is the James book.

Maybe tonight will be better. More on this tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Big Ice Cream

Over the week of New Years, we stayed a night with my Granny and Bum. It was a lot of fun, and good to see them. Zachary particularly loves it because he knows where the treats are, and is pretty much never denied.

I went down to take a nap and Bum asked Zachary, "I need to go to the store and get some pop. Do you want to go?"

Zachary: (thinks)
Bum: Do you like pop?
Zachary: Yep
Bum: What kind of pop should we get?
Zachary: A lollipop

Later that night they took us out to dinner at OCB. Afterward, Zachary said he had to go to the bathroom. Timothy takes him in there and he decides that he wants to pee in the urinal. They finish up and come back to the table.

Zachary: I peed on the BIG ICE CREAM!
Me: Zachary, that's not nice to say.
Zachary: I peed on the BIG ICE CREAM!
Tim: He thought the urinal cake was ice cream.

Never a dull moment. He still thinks he needs to eat bologna for breakfast and is keeping the fruit snack companies in business. Lately, he has also been hooked on Clementines. Life is good. Life is really good.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Late Night Potty

It looks as though I haven't blogged since a little before Christmas. So much to say!

Well, it was a good one, and a happy new year thus far. My kids are still out of whack from traveling to and from Kalamazoo about a bagillion times, but they are recovering. Example:

(last night)

Zachary: (comes upstairs) I need to go potty
Me: Okay, you may.
Zachary: You needa come Mommy.
Me: No, you go ahead. You can do it.

Zachary: I did a dirt dog. I need my butt wiped.
Me: Okay (wipes butt and puts him back to bed)

9:05 pm
Zachary: (comes upstairs) I need to go potty.
Me: Shocker.
Zachary: You needa come Mommy.
Me: No, go in and go. You can do it.
Zachary: I did a dirt dog. I need my butt wiped.
Me: Okay (wipes butt) Now it's time to stay in bed. (takes him back down)

Zachary: (comes upstairs) I need to pee.
Me: No you don't.
Zachary: I need to pee, I need to pee...
Me: Okay, GO, quickly.
Zachary: (pushes as hard as he can to get out a very tiny pee and a tiny poop) I did a dirt dog. I need my butt wiped.
Me: OMG Okay (wipes butt) STAY IN YOUR BED.

Zachary: (comes upstairs)
Me: What did I say?
Zachary: Stay in the bed only
Me: Right, why are you up here?
Zachary: I need to go pee.
Me: Go back to your bed.
Zachary: I needa go potty.
Me: Ugggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh......

Zachary: (comes upstairs)
Tim: Let me guess, you need to pee?
Zachary: Yep-o-yep
Me: No you don't. Go to BED or I am closing you door.
Zachary: Noooo! Door open! Door open!
Me: Then go to bed!
Zachary: I need to go potty! (squeezes out literally ONE droplet of pee)
Me: Stay in this bed or I will shut the door. We are done going potty.

This continued until about 11pm. Eventually I did have to shut the door after the last time.

Zachary: (comes upstairs)
Me: What NOW?
Zachary: I need ice cream, Mommy!
Tim: He needs ice cream, Mommy!

We both started laughing so hard. I took him to bed, and with a tantrum and the shutting of his door, he did finally go to sleep. Needless to say, he slept until 10:30 this morning.

More blogging later. Zachary is trying to be the boss...I know that may shock you.